Space exploration; we might be pushing beyond our limit.

The whole world is benefitting from some space exploration project but one issue I have with humans is that we don't know the right time to stop when exploring just because we are benefitting so much from something.

We exploit things until it gets to a point where we start suffering from the repercussions of our actions.

The Global positioning system is one of the benefits of space exploration and there are more. With the aid of satellites in space, we are enjoying things like knowing what the weather conditions will be in the future (weather forecast), natural disaster sometimes can be detected before it occurs, navigation, communication, and many other things have been made easy with space exploration but all this still doesn't justify humans pushing their limits with space exploration.



The world isn't what it use to be anymore, there was a time when the world suffer from fewer natural disasters and illnesses but it is a different case today. People explored and exploited the earth and even at this point where things are falling apart, they still wouldn't stop just because they are making a fortune from it.

Space exploration will one day reach a point where human activities in space will cause havoc just like we are seeing on earth already. Some set of humans are pushing their limit in space and the aftermath might turn out to be a catastrophe for all living organisms.


Recently, I read about the mining of asteroids. It is no breaking news that there are resources present in space and lots of organizations are working hard to lay their hands on them.

Digging the earth for resources was how nature's destruction started on earth so imagine what will happen in space if we keep up with space exploration. Organizations and industries will make mining competitive which will put so much pressure on space till things fall apart there.

I kept asking myself if humans really need to mine asteroids because many of these rare resources are aimed at developing nuclear and biological weapons which will do the world no good in the end.

Why aren't we contended with the resources we have on earth? What happens to the idea of recycling resources instead of digging more for them at the detriment of nature?

We are all aware of Elon Musk's space project, he plans to build a livable city on Mars. It's a great achievement for him but do we know what the completion of that project would mean?

The place will be a safe haven for many wealthy people across the world and if there is a place they can run to when the earth is completely condemned by their industries' waste released into the atmosphere and sea, mining, and deforestation so why should they stop? Why should they take precautions when they know there is an alternative if things go wrong here?

The truth is that they have no reason to stop causing harm to nature here and they are less concerned about the aftermath.

Despite the positive impact of space exploration on humans, it is sad that pushing beyond our limits in space might automatically be to the detriment of the inhabitants of earth because of human actions.

Aside from all that I explained earlier, space exploration requires a lot of money considering the equipment needed to work there, transportation, survival, and others. In a world where there is inflation, no jobs, kids are out of school, and terminal diseases everywhere, I think we just need to put more attention on the planet we are already living in.

1% of the world's population can't move to any space shelter if anything happens today so why shouldn't we just focus on making things right here with all the resources that will be used in space? The outcome of all these space projects is not certain and what if they are not successful?

The money and effort are wasted, and they might even cause problems there during their exploration that might backfire on earth. If that's the case, how do we expect the average people to survive coupled with what's happening already?

I am not against space exploration but human needs to know their limit up there, pushing beyond it might lead to something we are not prepared for. There have been claims about alien ships visiting the earth, I can't say if it is true or not but what if it is true?

How do we know if pushing our limit with space exploration is what's bringing them here? What threat do they pose to the people on earth?

These are questions we can't answer until the problems start properly.

Regardless of what we think we might discover out there, they must think about the damage they can bring to the earth.

I won't condemn space exploration and I can only advise the people involved to thread with caution. Some risks are not worth taking because, in the end, they might bring more harm than good.

Let's be contented with what we have discovered here, focus on how to restore stability to the economy, set things right with nature by tackling issues of waste management, mining, and others. If we make things right here, the need for space exploration will be minimal.

I want to invite @nkemakonma @merit-ahama @actordontee @wongi @jhymi to share their opinions on the topic. [Here] is the link to the contest, thanks for reading.

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