Tips to reduce stress

Everybody is under stress irrespective of who you are.
Acute stress may be accommodated but chronic stress is dangerous to health. Live a stress-free lifestyle!

What are your habits to reduce stress?

Every time, I think about these four quotes on wellness, kudos to the Lagos state government for creating awareness of employees' wellness.๐Ÿ‘‡

Nobody can know you better than yourself!

The decisions you make are based on the options you decide to consider and prioritize!

You are the result of your decisions!

You are responsible for your own life!


Going from one hustle to the other is not a joke at all. I wake up at 4.00 am Monday to Friday to prepare myself and the kids for school and I sleep late at around 11 pm or 12 am most times. I had to take care of their assignments, get them ready for tomorrow, cook, and do other house chores. All these are stress๐Ÿ‘Œ
The stress from going to work every day alone is something to be worried about, if you live in Lagos Nigeria, the thought of facing traffic while going out or coming back has become our daily routine.

What is stress?
Stress is a psychological response to environmental pressures, demands, and challenges.

Stress could be caused by Work pressure, Personal Relationships, or Financial worries. We are constantly exposed to danger that can negatively impact our mental and physical well-being.

However, before one can manage stress, you have to recognize stress in yourself, for example, the physical signs like headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, mood swings, increased procrastination, social withdrawal, and so many other signs. Like myself, anytime I have pimples on my face, it is a sign of stress. Mood swings, it is stress. Transferring aggression is another sign I'm under stress.

To banter this, it is crucial to develop effective stress management habits that can help us lead a more balanced and peaceful lifestyle. Recognizing the situations that are giving me stress. This is identifying what triggers the stress and how to deal with it. Surround yourself with good people.

Some of the steps I engage personally to reduce stress are as follows๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

  • I enjoy reading, watching movies, partying, or listening to good music like gospel or soul-lifting songs. I like to engage in activities that bring me joy. This is a way to reduce stress, step out from the pressures of life, and enjoy my moment of relaxation.

  • Self-care: I engage in self-care practices, things that promote relaxation such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time in nature. Regular exercise reduces stress and provides a distraction from worries that allow me to concentrate on my body. You cannot pour from an empty. Take care of yourself.

  • Establish boundaries: Learn to say NO to some tasks, it is good to prioritize my health and well-being. Engaging in social activities, such as spending time with friends or participating in community events, fosters a sense of connection and belonging, which are vital for my overall well-being. When you are saying YES to others, make sure you are not saying NO to yourself.

  • Bible meditation helps me to find inner peace and solace in the Lord. Meditation helps me to reduce stress and my Spirit to stay calm to shun unnecessary thinking and worry. These practices have taught me to detach from negative thoughts, embrace the present, and approach stressful situations with clarity. With these, I have prepared myself to manage the stress that comes my way.

  • Taking enough time to sleep: Even though the digital world has taken over most of our time, now and then, we are glued to our mobile phones or any other devices. We should still find a way to balance it. I engage in regular sleep patterns that are helping my stress reduction. On weekends most time if there are parties, I make sure to nap even if it's just 10 minutes. *Sleep is important

The image is of me relaxing with a soul 
       lifting songs

This is my response to the kiss contest on the topic; Habits to reduce stress.

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ’•
Cheers to many more Easter celebrations ahead๐Ÿ™

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