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REVEALED: 3 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Revamp Your Routines For Better Results (number 3 is a must do)

**Who else gets bored with routines?**

Having the same routines can be quite boring, especially as we are not military people, though I understand that routines have their advantages too.

The truth is, we're creatures of habit, us humans. No matter how hard we try to shy away from the dreaded monotony of routine, we always seem to find ourselves falling back into a certain rhythm that makes life bearable.

That being said, many people HATE their routine, mainly because it drones, in the same way, every day: no excitement, no difference, no change. And while we're creatures of habit, we're also partial to a little excitement in our lives to keep things interesting.

Even if you're anti-routine and get the cold sweats whenever it's mentioned, I'm betting you're not completely immune. Most of us have a morning routine. I get up; I clean my teeth, shower, and get dressed; you know how it goes.

Let's face it; it routinely makes us feel safe, like all our ducks are in order. A daily routine speeds things up because we know what we need to do and when. It helps us organize our lives.

So, I looked up the advantages of having a routine and looked at the amazing things I found.

First, having a daily routine and regular habits supports cognitive function and may even free people to be more creative. For example, research has found that regular work processes allow workers to spend less mental energy on recurring tasks, which can support focus and creativity for more complex tasks.

Again, regular routines can also help people feel like they have control over their daily lives and that they can take positive steps in managing their health. For example, making time for exercise within routines can help meet recommended daily activity levels.

As people increase activity outside their homes, they might consider taking transit to school and work, returning to organized fitness activities and the gym, and including movement throughout the day.
Other ways that routines can support health include regular meal preparation and getting enough sleep, which seems simple but can pay dividends in healthy aging over a lifetime.

A typical day is waking up, preparing for work, seeing patients in the clinic, going back home, creating content for my business, or surfing the internet, then going to bed, repeating, and rinsing. I got tired because I had the same daily routine; nothing was exciting.


So when you get to that point where your routine is slowly grinding you into the ground, how do you shake things up? How do you put a bit of pizazz back into your day?

Well, this year, I decided to take charge of my monotonous life and share the three tricks I used.

Try Something New

It is the most obvious thing to do, but developing ideas is difficult.
I thought about my person, reviewed my goals, and re-strategized. I discovered I had had the same friends most of my life, so I needed to network with the aim of growth. So I joined two growth communities tuned to my passion, where the leaders organized many seminars. I got to connect with many people and made new friends, too, and it's incredible how humans thrive on relationships, especially the ones that add value.


Typing right now is also a new thing I added to my routine. I recently joined Hive, and it's become a routine for me to create a post. I didn't even know how much I loved to write until I started this. At some point in my life, I wanted to start a blog, but I developed cold feet. So I've gone full circle.

I just started writing on Hive and on Amazon Kindle and have loved every moment of writing and sharing my knowledge.

If you feel like your routine could use a boost, then look to incorporate something new. We love to explore and learn new things, so why not commit to trying that new "thing" in your daily routine? It could be learning a new language, taking a cold shower, trying the newest exercise fad, or taking up that hobby you've always wanted to try, but adding something new will reenergize your routine. Change is exciting and can make your daily routine that much more appealing.

Do Something You Love.

While I examined my life, I discovered I had forgotten that my daily routine is for me and ought to be enjoyed. I should do it because I want to, not because I have to. The whole point of the routine is to maximize your day and, ultimately, your life.

I love children, and I have always worked with children. As a children's teacher in the church, I have been in charge of many children.
Being a dentist, you can guess my favorite patient already. I play and make friends with the kids when they visit the clinic for dental treatment. It makes my day. Automatically, because the kids are my friends, the parents are my friends too. However, because I am intentional about my routines, I don't leave interacting with children to chance anymore; I started reaching out to orphanages to interact, teach, play, and enjoy the company of these children.

Recently, I wrote a book on Amazon under the pen name Dr. Brenda Whales — 10 Proven Strategies to Building Resilience in Children. I'll leave a link below.

10 Proven Strategies to Building Resilience in Children - Dr. Brenda Whales

Please support your girl by reading and leaving a comment too.
Initially, it was just 10 minutes of sharing with parents in church during organized meetings, but when I discovered I enjoyed writing, I went into my archives and wrote the book. Look out, though, for more books to come on Kindle.


I don't love exercising, but I incorporated it into my routines mostly for health reasons. I'll share that soon, but I had to force myself to love it.

So, ensure you're doing what you love doing. Find an exercise you enjoy; if you want to spend more time with your kids, invite them to be part of your routine. The more you love your routine, the more you want to do it. That is the trick.

Celebrate Your Wins

It is my favorite and the one we all forget to do. Honestly, I still cannot wrap my head around how we humans get to work, bust our asses, and expend energy to achieve something, and we forget to celebrate it. It's always as if there is a bigger thing to achieve. I agree, but we should celebrate the small ones. There is a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with it. I used to forget, too, even though I still forget and consciously remind myself sometimes, and since I started celebrating my wins, it's been a game changer.

A celebration marks your pleasure at an occasion by engaging in an enjoyable social activity.




Why not celebrate every single day? You woke up; that's a reason for celebration. You crushed your daily routine; boom, it's time for a high five! So remember to reward yourself and fire up those endorphins. Almost everyone loves to celebrate, so why not do it yourself and watch those around you join in on the fun? You don't necessarily have to throw a party or break the bank.

Routines are a great thing to have and allow us to stress less, have better health, and be more productive overall. However, that does not mean that routines should be boring. If you are tired of your routine, try these three ideas to spice it up. We are unique, and our routines are unique to us. Remember to have fun with your routines and look to spice yours up for continued enjoyment and success!
