It Is All About The Freedom We Feel.


When we speak of freedom, we all want to be free from different things. There are some people whose freedom is bent on material things. It is their belief that when they wear the latest dress, drive the latest car, and live in a mansion, they will be indeed free from society scrutinizing eyes on poverty.

However, I have met other people whose thought is to party hard and drink until they feel numb to be free from their worries and fears in life. This is why, mostly, Friday is known as freedom day to these people as they get to have fun till whenever without the worry of getting ready for work the next day.

Also, there are some people whose sense of freedom is staying home cuddled in their bed with their eyes glued to enjoy any new movies or dramas to fill their soul. And, I am proudly among these sets of people.

Today, being Friday, means the freedom from worrying about getting up very early the next day to resume work or doing any strenuous work. It is quite simple. Listening to music helps so does reading. All these, among others, are things that get my mind off some certain things, like how much getting a bus to work might be the next day. This is all because of the economic crisis and fuel scarcity in the country. You never know what you might wake up to.

The simplicity rule of Friday is so natural that I have less worry on this day. It is very nice having to feel that sense of freedom while wrapped under my duvet with a sigh of relief that the day might as well end well.

Friday makes living life in the present more fulfilling, which is why TGIF is a mantra that leaves people's lips as the clock strikes Friday morning. The day is magical itself and puts many worries at ease, which is why I love it.


Also, I get to sleep and dream of the presence of the sea surrounding me while listening to the coolest music out there. It is sort of a romantic session with my heart at peace and my past almost forgotten, making my imagined future at this time a reality. At this moment, I don't scoff at my imagined world as there's no amount of fear and worry in it.

This is why I made use of the picture above as my eyes feasted on it while scrolling through my gallery. The presented image brings so many fun memories to my heart that I couldn't stop staring at it.

It reminded me of the freedom I felt while I bathed in the sunlight of the waves of the sea. And just the thought of nature surrounding me is enough to put my fears and worries away and follow the simplified tune of the sea with my body at ease.

What about you? How does Friday help you cope with your mentor and physical health?

Images Used Are Mine.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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