Nights in White Satin - The Moody Blues (Cover) [ENG/SPA]

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Una vez más bienvenidos a mi Blog musical, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Nights in White Satin» del grupo de rock británico The Moody Blues. La Canción es una mezcla de Rock Barroco, Sinfónico y Rock Suave, esta fue compuesta por Justin Hayward en 1967. Esta canción es considerada uno de los grandes clásicos del Rock. He tenido la oportunidad de escucharla por años en la radio. Probablemente, la haya escuchado como parte de una banda sonora de alguna película, o serie. Esta pieza se encuentra almacenada en mis memorias musicales desde hace muchos años, y fue inspirada en un regalo de unas sabanas. La letra de la canción es muy interesante porque habla de un amor procrastinado. Muchas veces dejamos a un lado pensamientos, palabras y acciones por temor a equivocarnos, a fracasar, y al pensar qué dirán. En ocasiones también aplazamos cosas importantes por cosas más triviales, dejándolas a un lado. Siempre he considerado que las decisiones de hoy representan la felicidad de futuro.

Once again welcome to my music blog, today I want to share with you my interpretation with the trumpet of «Nights in White Satin» by the British rock group The Moody Blues. The Song is a mixture of Baroque Rock, Symphonic and Soft Rock, this was composed by Justin Hayward in 1967. This song is considered one of the great Rock classics. I have had the opportunity to listen to it for years on the radio. You have probably heard it as part of a soundtrack for a movie or series. This piece has been stored in my musical memories for many years, and was inspired by a gift of some sheets. The lyrics of the song are very interesting because they talk about procrastinated love. Many times we put thoughts, words and actions aside for fear of being wrong, failing, and thinking about what they will say. Sometimes we also postpone important things for more trivial things, putting them aside. I have always considered that today's decisions represent future happiness.

Uno de los dichos o refranes populares que me encanta decir es “No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy”. Aunque es una historia sin final feliz, yo lo complementaria diciendo que no te lamentaras por los resultados en el futuro. Que duro, es decir, si tan solo fuera tomado esa decisión oportunamente. Pienso en todas las personas que han perdido seres queridos, algunos habrán pasado por alto abrazarlos, decirles que los aman, e incluso perdonarlos. No se puede andar por la vida apelando a la suerte, esperar que el Universo y las estrellas se combinen para que nos ganemos el premio de la lotería. Comprar el tique ganador requiere que lo hagamos oportunamente y no cuando han pasado varios meses donde ya anunciaron a los ganadores. Recuerdo hace unos años que me llamaron de la Universidad para que me inscribiera. Inmediatamente, tomamos el vehículo y nos inscribimos ese mismo día. Siempre reflexiono sobre ese día, ya que era la última oportunidad para inscribirme. Y si no fuera ido, habría alcanzado mis sueños de estudiar música a nivel Universitario. Realmente no se sabe, el futuro depende mucho de nuestra fe y de nuestras acciones. Hagamos todo lo necesario el día de hoy, para nuestra felicidad en los días venideros.

One of the popular sayings that I love to say is “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. Although it is a story without a happy ending, I complement it by saying that you will not regret the results in the future. How hard, that is, if only that decision was made in a timely manner. I think of all the people who have lost loved ones, some will have overlooked hugging them, telling them they love them, and even forgiving them. You cannot go through life appealing to luck, waiting for the Universe and the stars to combine so that we win the lottery prize. Buying the winning ticket requires that we do it in a timely manner and not when several months have passed where the winners have already been announced. I remember a few years ago that the University called me to sign me up. Immediately, we took the vehicle and signed up that same day. I always reflect on that day as it was the last chance to sign up. And if it wasn't gone, I would have achieved my dreams of studying music at the University level. It is not really known, the future depends a lot on our faith and our actions. Let's do everything necessary today, for our happiness in the days to come.

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Nights in White Satin

Nights in white satin
Never reaching the end
Letters I've written
Never meaning to send
Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore
'Cause I love you
Yes I love you
Oh, how I love you

Gazing at people
Some hand in hand
Just what I'm going through
They can't understand
Some try to tell me
Thoughts they cannot defend
Just what you want to be
You will be in the end
And I love you
Yes I love you
Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I love you

Nights in white satin
Never reaching the end
Letters I've written
Never meaning to send
Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore
Yes I love you
Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I love you
Yes I love you
Yes I love you
Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I love you

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bed sitter people look back and lament
Another days useless energy spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colors from our sight
Red is gray and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion (11).gif

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