Radoro Daro Sławo: A Slavic Słowiańska Mantra (Agmas) to remove all negative Energy and the power of meditation (Chanting and Music Video)

This is an old Slavic (Słowiańska Polish) mantra and a request from a dear friend from Poland, Kasia, this one is for you. :). Radoro Daro Sławo and a video I recorded in one of my favourite pinewoods with a late Winter vibe now that we get ready to step back into light and longer days. Spring is almost around the corner. It consists of three words of "power" Radoro Daro Sławo, a mantra for protection.

Most people are familiar with mantras in Buddhism and Hinduism and the power of such mantras in meditation practices. Repeating, chanting or humming a mantra in order to enter into an "entranced" state. Similarly, but but not so well known are "Agmas", ancient words of Slavic origin, considered sacred words of power that are also repeated, as single words or in a cadence or group of two or three, and almost like a "spell" are believed to exert and trigger changes in the reality around us. They do not have necessarily a direct translation or meaning, the way they sound is like a key that unlocks new realities, their sound tuning to the higher powers of existence and the Universe and our spiritual body. They are used for protection, healing and a way to connect with our spiritual selves. These words can be spoken or sung and have been used by native Slavic cultures Some say never less than 70 times at dawn or evening. Others say that they're not to be misused or their "power" would wear out. I am no expert but approaching them with respect and curiosity, and in many sites I found all sorts of conspiracy theories about them. But we're not here to question the use or misuse but about the curiosities of this ancient spiritual heritage. My friend Kasia (from Poland) requested this one and I love mythology and folklore and also traditional music. Though you can sing them the way you want, the way your heart tells you to, usually around a drone note that roots you, and just flow. You can also tell them silently or whisper and it's said you must not be touched by other person while you sing them. But this only makes sense if you are trying to get yourself entranced.

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Now I must be clear, I believe in the power of meditation but I do not believe it can have any magic effect, but to condition ourselves for the changes needed for what we desire. Health, protection, abundance. It's all up to us to move ourselves in directions that will help ourselves to be a better, stronger version of ourselves.

I'm making this post not questioning whether you believe or not in these things but from the point of view of the rich mythology behind it and maybe some base to explain its benefits.
Chanting words and humming while grounding is indeed something humans have done for ages.

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Radoro Daro Sławo

A Slavic mantra consisting on three Agmas (words). In this case it is a mantra mostly of protection that dispel the miasma of negative or dark energy. As I say this post is not about "believing" in them, these are old ancient words, but I'm just explaining what they mean. What it is undeniable is that chanting repeated words and meditating have a special effect in our body and mind and this has been practiced for millennia.


A word of reconciliation, restores justice, ends conflicts and broken bonds. It restores relationships with others and with yourself. It weaves the fabric and canvas of destiny and a call for happiness and harmony into your life.


"The Gift" It brings balance between our spiritual and physical sides reestablishing connection , also keeps negativity at bay increasing our chances for success. A powerful weapon against evil and also to shield against our own inner fears and the angst and worries about the future. A word for protection.


It reveals darkness and its deeds so we can avoid or block them even if it comes from our own thoughts. It provides the tools to adapt to change in life and enhance our ability to understand the essence of our problems and struggles in order to overcome them providing constructive thinking and common sense. It helps us against negative influence (from within or others)

Some reasons while reciting mantras do work


The power of reciting mantras in meditation is often attributed to various psychological and neurological mechanisms rather than scientific evidence in the traditional sense. But there are solid studies that demonstrate that repeated practice can trigger changes in our brain, increasing over time gray matter density in brain regions involved in attention, emotion regulation, and self-awareness, such as the prefrontal (left dorsal lateral prefrontal) e with and insula (in relation with our limbic system, it helps to process our emotions and also aid in the taking of decisions)

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The experience seems to be very subjective and the experiences of practicing individuals can vary. Scientific research on meditation, including mantra meditation, is ongoing, and more studies are needed to fully understand its mechanisms. But what we know is that this practice dates thousands of years ago.
Reciting mantras provides focused attention, while we concentrate in repeating a certain phrase somehow we quiet the mind isolating it from external distractions, even from our own thoughts, so it indeed works to calm and concentrate. Studies have proved that mantra meditation reduce levels of anxiety and stress and recited in a certain rhythm induces a relaxation response and decrease in stress hormone levels. But I firmly believe it relies more importantly relies on Psychological Conditioning, these mantras often carry symbolic meanings or intentions, and repeating them can reinforce positive beliefs or affirmations internalizing the message by repetition messages, leading to changes in thought patterns, emotions, and behavior. We can condition ourselves into
When I released "Om Vrish Elle" (in oneness with everything that there is") those words are not ancient but I made them up as a child, in my own language. For me they were a way to feel grounded and connected with Nature, one with everything that there is. The song repeated this sentence and the overall effect might be similarly to feel entranced and entering a certain state of mind. Curiously lots of people told me it sounds like an "existing mantra" but curiously enough many mantras from different languages and even made up end up having a "similar" chant-like intention.
Here my song "Om Vrish Elle"

Overall, scientific evidence supports the notion that meditation can induce measurable changes in the structure and function of the brain, leading to improved mental and emotional well-being. However, it's important to note that individual responses to meditation can vary, and more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms underlying its effects on the brain. I do not consider myself a very New-Age person. Though intrigued by the past and cultural aspect of it, I do not think the words matter, but the practice. I do meditate regularly and It helps to tune down external and internal turmoil. I know the effects are real because I experience them first hand. It improves my focus, it helps me to destress and also to sleep. I think we humans have mostly lost our focus, we are constantly distracted, multitasking, and we rarely "delve" within anymore. Meditation strengthen our ability to focus. So if you ask me, do I believe meditation heals and change you? Yes, do I believe it's magic? not, really but it provides tools so we can change our course.

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Repeating a mantra can reinforce positive beliefs or affirmations. Through repetition, individuals may internalize these messages, leading to changes in thought patterns, emotions, and behavior. Studies also suggest that meditation practices, including mantra recitation, can lead to greater synchronization between the brain's hemispheres which improve cognitive function, creativity, and emotional well-being. Brain is a flexible thing and meditation is indeed a key to increase or decrease activity in certain areas. Neuroscientist support this with MRI.
It is important to highlight that the subjective experiences of individuals practicing meditation can vary widely and that is why it stands between neurology and psychology but mindfulness and meditation strengthen our "focus" muscle, something that we somehow have lost in this era of "noise" . Additionally, scientific research on meditation, including mantra meditation, is ongoing, and more studies are needed to fully understand its mechanisms and effects.

Do you meditate?


Find 3 fufunchis

As always you can find hidden ratties in the video. This is an ongoing game, you can always find hidden rats in my videos (aka. fufunchis). If you find me let me know, don't post the time marks so others can find them. Did you spot any?


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You can download the song from my bandcamp should you wish to support additionally
It's also free for ALL patrons on my patreon
And of course you can listen to it fully and entirely on this post and video.



Thanks for your support

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator

I read and upvote all significant feedback, so please let me know what you think. Thanks always to all the community for supporting my music. I know I drop articles slowly but I take time to weave my craft and I hope you at least find it worth the wait. :)

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