NOTHING IS DONE UNTIL IT'S DONE: A powerful anthem about Climate Change and a music video that has been several years in the making, filmed in the aftermath of wild fires

THERE IS ONLY ONE EARTH Our planet and the life it contains is a miracle and we have take it for granted. We need to safeguard our only home from the looming specter of destruction. We might be running out of time... but "Nothing is Done until it's done" Let these words be your waking call

Watch the music video here:

Nothing Is Done Until It's Done" is a waking call, a symphony of awareness, an anthem of unity that implores us to rewrite the destiny of our planet, reminding us that our greatest strength lies not in words alone, but in the unison of action. AND THE TIME IS NOW, before it's too late, if it's not already. I would really be grateful if besides sharing to whomever can resonate with this message you can leave an encouraging comment on my youtube channel. Please watch the video before continuing to read. You can enable subtitles. It's under five minutes. This project has taken so long (as some of you know) and it was a high effort so please help me share it and make it reach as many souls as possible.

Though I released the song in 2019 the music video has been in the making for a long time and it has shed several skins and undergone several reshapings (in part I had to simplify the project). I know I have shared several sneak peeks before so you are aware for how long I've been working on this one.
The song is also on Spotify and other streaming services (iTunes, tidal, amazon) should you want to add it to your playlists.


Because words are important
(You can also enable captions in English or Spanish in the video to read along while you listen to the song)

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We might be running out of time
Feel like your spirit grows stronger
Though its challenge has only begun
There's anything it can't conquer
When the weights of the doubts are all gone
And defiant it won't weep in silence
When it feels cause is fair to be won
It's standing firm in sheer defiance
Because nothing is done until it's done
We might be running out of time
Because nothing is done until it's done
Because nothing is done until it's done
Shadows may gather in darkness
Neath the weight of impending gloom
We can't get rid of this madness
Because we got tangled in its loom
Are the circles becoming spirals?
We're the thread and the web's been spun
Let's unravel not to live in denial
Because nothing is done until it's done
We might be running out of time
Because nothing is done until it's done
We might be running out of time
We might be running out of time
And the time has come around
And nothing is done until it's done
Let these words be your waking call
(The stronger we push, the faster we fall)
We might be running out of time
Because nothing is done until it's done
Because nothing is done until it's done
Let these words be your waking call
Let these words be your waking call
We might be running out of time
Nothing is done until it's done


Listen it on spotify
Also available on bandcamp

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Circles and Spirals

Circles and Spirals are symbolically represented in many parts of the video, in storms, in the rings of logs, in the sand of a sandclock...

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Above the rings of a log, a truncated life, these logs were of my local grove which burnt. The trees never recovered and these were all chopped down. You can see "time" the seasons it endured... and now just an "imprint" in those lines.
You see, circles also represent to be bound to commit the same mistakes, time and time again. We go round and stumble with the same rock. When you go in circles you see the rock, you can think "this rock made me fell before, I can change the course of action" I can CHOOSE.

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Circles becoming spirals 'neath the weight of impending gloom

In spirals though, we go to "similar" places, almost round and round, but we don't have that "CLUE"
Time is slipping through our fingers like grains of sand. This song is urging to break free from the shackles of indifference and denial to take action before the spiraling chaos becomes irreversible.

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Circles within circles, but every turn as we stumble upon that rock we have a chance to rectify past missteps, but when it becomes a spiral, the mistakes made in this are not stumbled upon at the same point; they are carefully hidden within the spiral itself. It's as if we are step ahead (or backwards) blindly unknowingly retracing our own misdirection, never realizing that the path we're treading is the very one that has led us astray before. In a spiral each time we go round everything seems new, yet we're trapped in the same patterns, blind to our errors. "Nothing Is Done Until It's Done" is a song that tries to break this trance with powerful affirmations and urge us to step out of these endless cycles, disrupting the dance of destruction. It's a call to unveil the hidden mistakes, to break free from the spiral's embrace, and chart the course of a different future from the one that we are refusing to foresee.

Rising Awareness

May this song become a beacon, guiding us through the darkness of doubt and stirring a collective awakening and awareness.

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The battle against this spiraling crisis can no longer be waged with silence
This is my way to "rise my voice"

Let's unravel not to live in denial

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We can't get rid of this madness because we got tangled in its loom
We have had all the time in the world to find solutions but we struggle to meet the timeline that is upon us. But responsibility relies not only on individuals but in all of us as a collective. This is something that has been politicized and used as justification for many things, to burden many shoulders and force them into denial instead of considering other options. Are the governments providing other options? A relief and help for the transition? We need to understand some bad habits cannot be halted without a healthy solution. We are many in this planet, I'm sure we can figure this one out. But tough times are ahead, this is a crisis, the road of biodiversity loss is already being treaded. To certain extent we will have to learn the hard way. So we should settle now (if only) for not making things worse.

The only fire that should be ignited is our determination to make things better and cut out through those knots and tangles that have made us just witnesses in apathy for way too long. Science is clear. Please read proper abstracts and reliable information. Science is objective, politicians aren't. And you should at least QUESTION and search for contrasted abstract and measurements, not some propaganda article on twitter. Oh but wild wires are arsonists, or storms, or fire is a natural process. When soil is unusually dry and temperature is high, no matter the origin... ALL IS TINDER that burns uncontrollably. Even if we want to deviate one thing for another, all roads lead to the same conclusion.


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Some say, Earth weather has changed all through its existence, and live thrives... Sure, it will... but US? will we thrive? If you don't care, I cannot enforce my opinion, but I care about other creatures too that are not willing to make their choice. Global biodiversity has declined alarmingly during the last half century, and over 40000 species are endangered and doomed to extinction because of (DIRECTLY) climate change in the last half of a century. Those are facts.

And even in the case this is not an eye opener for you, at least let us debate it with civility and respect, because it has become a SPEAR, a tool to HURT and ATTACK to the point where rising your voice about it, might even feel intimidating. I fear not, this video is my statement.

The stronger we push... the harder we fall

At the end of the video there are flashes of the effect humans have on Earth.
Pollution, wars, biodiversity loss, deforestation... We seem to be determined to go down an path of destruction. Maybe that is what we deserve. But as coral reefs bleach and polar bears struggle to find solid eyes and starve, we need to become conscious of the harm we bring to other and how we are harbingers of imbalance. And denying our actions have no consequences, in this matter, or any other matter entirely, is somehow purposely make this choice. So you see, for me dreaming of a cleaner future, a less polluted future, a more environmentally friendly future is nothing but hope for a sustainable future for future generations and all Earth inhabitants. It's not only US.
Even if there are people who want to deny all this for "comfort" just because they think it's "unlikely". No matter how unlikely you think it is... it's not a risk we should be willing to take (even if it were infinitesimal) which sadly, it isn't.
Cake for today, hunger for tomorrow instead of growing things and learning to bake.

Do we dare to hope? šŸŒ±

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Witnessing the aftermath of wildfires, I'm reminded of the resilience of nature. Last week, Tenerife, the island where my family lives is ablaze and so many corners of our Earth suffer the same fate (Hawaii, Canada and more). For me this song is an affirmation that now echoes louder than ever, as we bear witness to once again, wild fires ravaging our cherished forests.

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Hope that the song reminds us that the power to mend what's being broken still lies within our grasp, maybe not entirely, but it's still worth TRYING.

I'm working on a featurette of the making of

I've decided to split the post in two as this was way so complex, so I'm editing now a small making of video with some "behind the scenes" and I will write then a post explaining in depth some of the symbolism that was chosen for the video.
Also some of the discarded ideas and scenes that didn't make it to the edit. At the beginning for example I was wearing green against the black desonation, but that draft was discarded and I opted for a "Mourning Earth" and my ghost person to approach to the song.
Thanks very much @hedac for helping me in the visual effects of this one

It was filmed in Navarre, during several seasons of wild fires (and recovery)

Life after fire - by priscilla Hernandez (

Discarded original concept for the video. I chose to wear in black in the end and we filmed again the scenes on another fire
Life after fire - by priscilla Hernandez (

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I will upvote every reply with meaningful feedback and "proof of reading" THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT
SPECIAL THANKS TO HIVE COMMUNITY, and also to my patrons at for helping me to keep on creating these videos

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator

I'm but a messenger

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Is this the future you would like to see?

Remember... We might be running out of time
There is no planet B

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