3speak is mobile-friendly now! Hive is ready to grow (+ a test video)

I made three new discoveries about 3speak.online today which make it far more attractive as a YouTube alternative and decided to make a post to tell everyone. I don’t know if this is common knowledge already but I hadn’t noticed so I’m sure there are others like me.

#1 Mobile friendly

I post on 3speak occasionally but always using my PC because the videos I took with my phone didn’t seem to be compatible. I keep up with @theycallmedan's posts from time to time but I had been really busy promoting Hive Cross Culture so I didn't know how the platform has changed. I thought I’d check today and see if I could upload using mobile. I could without any problems!

In the process I noticed two more things...

#2 Hive account no longer required for 3speak

Obviously we want everyone to sign up for Hive but this makes it really easy for people who find the learning curve of Hive too difficult and are not ready to use things like Hivesigner and keys. Now you can make a 3speak account with your email address and link it to your Hive account.

People who are mostly interested in video content can sign up without much confusion, the sign up process is almost instant. Then they can sign up for Hive when they are ready, and they are likely to when they see videos about it and when they learn about www.hiveonboard.com (thanks @stellabelle!) which already makes making a hive account soooo much easier. This is all huge for adoption.

#3 Community Integration

In the past I found only certain communities were available with 3speak but now you can type any communities name and post there. That’s great for many communities including the one I’m working on Hive Cross Culture. Sharing culture and practicing language is something many people will want To use video for. This is such great news for our community.

In fact I have a great idea for a promotional contest to get people on 3speak. If anyone could help me get in touch with @theycallmedan it would be greatly appreciated, he seems quite busy these days.

Lastly, a short jam

To test out 3speak on mobile I uploaded my first jam on electric guitar. I've always played acoustic but I found myself a super cheap used electric, delay and drive pedal so I've been playing around. I’ll but uploading a lot more music now that I can use my phone!

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