Power of Music Older but unforgettable songs, left in history ..... yep, of course in our hearts and souls.

Power of Music Older but unforgettable songs, left in history ..... yep, of course in our hearts and souls.

Yep in general i prefer songs that create a mood for me, they tell me something, as a background to a spirit i am from another category. Old music is part of the childhood of many of us ..... yep, maybe even a small part of our identity, maybe even through it we can find it and we can understand our common spirit. Just listen to the song in the next video.

Or maybe the next ..... old, super old but still offering that intense state of well-being.

I think this is real music ..... a music that is reborn not from its own ashes but from its own beauty ~ are soul songs that make you remember who you are and what you really want.

In general i like a lot of musical genres, very varied, i don't have a singer or a band after which i'm crazy, i just listen to all kinds of songs.

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