Choon ahhh Rocki ahhh SCAM AND FRAUD IN DA HOUSE

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So once again we are at this distasteful subject. Originally I was going to just let it lay as they had finally deleted the fake profile they had of me on their platform. But someone who I thought was my friend endorsed the platform well knowing how it had scammed hundreds of creators, so I got mad telling him off for it. Another person had asked me to join the forum a few days earlier who was not aware of their past behaviour so i decided to let people know who they are dealing with. For this we need togo back to CHoon.

Choon was a crypto music site that paid tokens for plays, It 's initial creator ditched the project and one of his staff Bjorn Niclas took the thing over. Long story short he ran the thing into the ground. About two weeks before the total collapse he had locked the wallets no one was able to take out their coin, then without warning he shut down the site. He did not say anything for about 4 days - Nothing Nada! People who deal with the new platform either don't know, or have forgotten all this. After he finally emerged he pretended that he was part of Emanate, who he did have a musician transfer deal with but nothing more. The offer was to join Eminate and get some of their coin for the Note tokens we lost; they made it however very clear that he was not part their team witch he initially alluded to.

During that time I and others who where in the so called "unofficial" Choon group on Facebook, which very much was influenced and powered by Bjorn ad his fanboys, asked Bjorn point blank what would happen to our music and data that we no longer had access to, and thus could not delete. He assured us that it was deleted. I can no longer get a screen shot of that but others who are still in the group can find it in the logs ( I was banned for calling Bjorn out on his Rocki scam). I personally asked Bjorn to make sure anything of mine was gone and told him he better never use any of it in future - her promised it no longer existed which was a lie!

A few months later a friend showed me this

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My friend said " I did not know you where on Rocki " and I was like WTF is Rocki so I went and looked and sure enough there was my face, my old bio and my music plus about 15 collaboration tunes with others on the Rockiapp. Pure and Simple if someone one tells you " Do not use my Work or face ever" and they do it, it is Fraud; and actually as he used my bio and face impersonating me it is Identity theft. I contacted Rocki and never got a reply back then. Bjorn and his friends only started reacting when i went to the old Choon group and called him out and on twitter.

His defence then, and still is, is that he sent out Emails telling the artists that they are now enrolled in Rocki but had the option to opt out. First of all email or not that is still theft. You can't say I deleted data and then use it in a new company without asking first. Personally I never got an email, but I pretty much know why, because several of the people who personally told him to delete anything he had did not get them. Coincidence ? I think not. It took ages for me to get my songs off off Rocki, they kept ignoring me, blocking me but eventually the profile was gone. Not that they ever communicated though. Now the old Platform Choon had smart contracts where you could allocate creator percentages for collaborations. It is highly illegal to keep songs on your platform if one of the creators objects, however that is exactly what Rocki and also choon did. They would just take the objecting artist off the credits and keep that portion of the royalties for themselves. For the longest time they had several collaborations of mine on Rocki, eventually after calling them out long enough, over a period of months, most were gone. I actually thought they were all gone until I found one yesterday.

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It was a collaboration I did with @junkfeathers who came to my rescue today and deleted it for me. So why would they make such an effort to steal my music ? Well on Choon I had 105 songs and about 1mill notes, (Which I had transferred to @tenpoundsterling to try to save them from the failing platform some we got out others were locked down) to investors an account like that looks promising this is why Bjorn did what he did. It is called proof of content. You show an investor that you have a solid base of creators and that spawns trust. This is why he kept the data and this is why he did not send emails out asking people to join but forced their hand by just enrolling them.

Rocki likes to pretend they did it to help creators but if that were true contacting beforehand and saying "hey I have this new idea and we will compensate you with the Notes equivalent in Rocks " would have been the right path. Not what Rocki did is it ?! Bjorn pitched the platform to investors with the stolen data, he built a platform with the stolen data and afterwards sent what he calls "welcome emails " stating that if one did not opt out, it constituted consent. No matter how Bjorn and his minions pretend it is, this is not legal, especially because
A- there is a public bankruptcy proclamation in England (where Choon was registered) clearly stating that ALL assets belong to the Crown.

B- He had personally and publicly promised that all data was deleted. Deleted Data is not the undead rising from the grave, Bjorn Frankenstein had no right to resurrect it! Again this is Fraud and theft no matter how he plays the victim and the poor misunderstood soul.

Don't get me wrong, Bjorn can talk a good game he has a past full of shady deals. For example his gunlamp company he claims was run by veterans. Guess what he is not a veteran he just employed one. When covid hit the first thing he did was open a PPE mask resell company and played more shady games. Bjorn is good with things like this- half truths and money grabbing that is his game and up till now he is getting away with it.

Also anyone reading this might want to look in to the story Pathways VC
(@damiendubsy < twitter ) tells, he says Bjorn sold the company to him, to then steal the content and run and leave him with an empty name but no content. Ask yourself why do so many people have stories like this to tell about Bjorn and all of his companies Ask yourself why most people questioning the procedures are blocked off Rockiapp's social media. Also ponder this, if Bjorn stole the data off the Choon servers and used it to get investors what will stop him from doing it again if Rocki fails? What is to stop him from shutting down the site and blocking your access to your rocks, as he did with notes? fool me once ... just saying

As for people who had to force them to take off their music and bios I will name a few that are here as well @asonintrigue @bushradio @d-vine and there are a ton more, and considering how I was never notified and would have never found out if friends had not told me. I ask myself how many of the people on there actually know their content and persona is used there? And to those who know what happened and still promote Rocki because they want to keep their money and/or earn more I say - you are the real problem in the world. Selling out like that makes it possible for horrible people to get a leg up. But hey who cares because you profit and might get internet famous, what kind of people are you?! Just today Rocki offered me coin and to rejoin, that how they get people to be complicate; and that is why the music industry and the world in general is so shit! That is why Steemit became a cesspool and hive battles daily not to become the same! The only way to make a better world is to be it, and make it one action and choice at a time. As long as your spines are Jello this shit world is all you get and deserve.

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