More highlights from my show. PLUS my imminent arrest coming this Monday!

Continuing to catch up with posting highlights from my shows with section taken from my 72nd show, originally broadcast 12th December 2022...

TDC Tunes' thoughts about this set

One interesting thing I've started doing a bit more of in recent sets and is quite obvious in this one is using portamento. This is a musical term that basically means sliding in pitch between two notes. You can hear it quite a bit in this clip where I've set up a synth voice that implements portamento. There are a few ways of doing this, chiefly in either using the thing generating the pitch voltage itself OR in the actual synth voice after that.

I'm sometimes using the top right module in my rack for these pitch slides - the Roland System 1m which is actually a semi modular and can be used both standalone AND as in my case in a rack with other modules too. But I can also implement it in two of my sequencers. There is the Arpitecht, so named because it has an approach to sequencing based on arpeggios. But also the Metropolis which is my favourite melody generator. The Metropolis has buttons under each of the 8 stages to turn on whether slide is enabled for that stage.

Otherwise I think there is generally just a good variety of types of sounds going on in this highlight. Some are buzzy, some are bleepy, some are dark, some are spacey and some are just downright strange!


If you like what you see and hear, I'm live every Monday night (9pm UK time) on Brixton Radio and Twitch. And there's always a bunch of friends from Hive and especially from the @risingstargame community hanging out in the Twitch channel. @stickupboys are usually there doing Rising Star card and starbits giveaways too! Big thanks also to regulars:

You may notice in the video that various cards popup from time to time in the bottom left - usually accompanied by some flashing or changing lights. Well - that's the special modes that any viewer can kick off with my Bot in the Twitch channel. And all the really regular viewers have their own special mode now... I wonder who will be next to get their own special mode? I add at least one new mode to the bot every week!


Don't forget this Monday is Police edition of my Radio show! I heard a rumour that impersonating a police officer is a felony in the US and that if I do @papacrusher is going to come to my studio and arrest me! But apparently if I do the following dance I will just be cautioned?!

Policeman dancing gif, from Tenor

Hope to see many of you in the Twitch channel this coming Monday 30th Jan - from 9pm UK time!

Check out my original electronic music via:
❤️ Thank you! ❤️

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