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Electronic Music in the garden...

We have a heat wave in the UK and my studio fan is not up to the job of keeping me from baking!

So it was into the garden for my 52nd Brixton Radio show...

Now it was a long time since I last broadcast from the garden and I forgot the obvious - that the sun goes down and it gets dark!

So I neglected to set up any proper lighting so the show got darker and darker till about half way through no-one could see anything. Ah well people do apparently like 'dark mode'! This video clip is a section from the first half of the show and you can already see it getting dark towards the end...

Also in this show - you've heard of my magic musical table, but what about the magic musical step ladder?! This time a step ladder joined the "TDC Tunes Band" and I attached my contact microphone to it. I used it for all sorts of things but in this excerpt you can see some scraping and sanding on the step ladder generating some interesting atmospheric sounds and percussion!

Big shoutout for the awesome conversations going on in the Twitch chat about all sorts of things but this time including a fab chat about analogue synths between @stickupboys @ravenmus1c and @pixiepost
One of my favourite topics so look out for a post talking about these soon!

Thanks for watching and being awesome Hive and see you next week for more electronic modular madness!

Check out my original electronic music via:
❤️ Thank you! ❤️

▶️ 3Speak