The boosting power of Music.

The existence of man is divine, the complexity in our nature and body development transcend human understanding and the uniqueness of individuals are marvelous. Life happens to all, some are lucky while others witness the other side of the coin. Today you are hyper tomorrow you are at the lowest state, nothing is stable. These happenings have a significant effect on our mental health.

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I am someone that jokes alot, when I am happy you will see it all over me likewise when I'm unhappy. I love listening to music but for a while my routine changed I wasn't that interested in music. A recent happening made me realized what I was depriving myself off.
I am actually a fan of gospel music because it meets my needs most times. I got to work this particular day and I was very happy and you could see it all over me. I really can't remember what changed my mood, I was down and was looking older than my age. A colleague just walked up to me and said "you and this your mood swings, na wah ooo, your husband go try ooo". He got concerned because it's something that is now consistent.

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I was getting weaker and weaker by the day just because of happenings around me which I allowed to get a better part of me. I could remember that this colleague of mine told me to always listen to music and that was just a prescription that really helped me. I switched to listening to music and things changed for me. Through music I was able to communicate my feelings to the unseen, I was able to maintain a stable mood at work and also got healed of looking older.

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Music reduces stress, provides hope in hopeless situations and helps improve our mental health. Although, the kind of music and lyrics of the music are important and directly proportional to the effects on ones mental health. A good music is healing to the soul.
Thanks for reading my post.

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