Three Tunes Tuesday: Dance Gavin Dance

Hello to all my fellow music lovers! @saydie here and its happened again, I skipped TTT last week but now I'm back. The last time I list music, it was from the local band from Philippines Saydie which was where I get my hive username. This week, I'm back with my favorite American bands with Dance Gavin Dance which was the pioneer for the Swancore genre as the genre itself was named by the lead guitarist of the band. They have switched vocalist 3 times because just like other bands they do have problems but each of the vocalist bring something to the band so with this list, I pick one of my favorite song from each singer.

Dance Gavin Dance- Heat Seeking Ghost of Sex
Vocalist: Jonny Craig

The first song on my list was Heat Seeking Ghost of Sex from the bands 5th album Downtown Battle Mountain II released on 2011 with their first vocalist Jonny Craig coming back ever since the bands 2nd album and which charisma was I think the reason that jumpstart popularity the of the band though he was a very troubled guy in the past.

Dance Gavin Dance- Tree Village
Vocalist: Kurt Travis

For my Second song, it will be Tree Village from the bands 2009 album Happiness with their 2nd vocalist Kurt Travis which was their vocalist for 2 albums. Also for this song the unclean parts were performed by their lead guitarist Will Swan which is kind of rough compared to their original unclean vocalist Jon Mess but it's something that I want for them to do from time to time to add more dynamics to the band.

Dance Gavin Dance- Prisoner
Vocalist: Tillian Pearson

For my last video, I share Prisoner from the bands 9th album Afterburner with their third and current vocalist Tillian Pearson which for me has the most unique voice among all the three vocalist and really matched with the style that the band is aiming for but you could still hear the pop- jazz like sound with their albums.

And that was it for this week's #threetunetuesday post. This was a project initiated by @ablaze where everyone was free to share their favorite music every Tuesday. Thank you very much if you made it till the end and you can tell me which song have you liked or was something that you never heard.

See you until next time!


Thumbnail image Source on publicdomainpictures- Modified by @saydie. - Font used is free for commercial use.

The linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.

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