Cover An Indonesian Song - "Desa"

"Desa" or village in English translation is one of the song that I cover many time in many ocassion. The spirit that exist make this song legend in our country. Still sing a long with Iwan Fals's song, I'd like to present you "Desa". Check this out guys...

Here is the lyrics and its translation...

The village must be an economic force

Desa harus jadi kekuatan ekonomi
So that residents do not move to the city
Agar warganya tak hijrah ke kota
The silence of the village is the main capital
Sepinya desa adalah modal utama
To work and develop yourself
Untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan diri
Even though the land already belongs to the city
Walau lahan sudah menjadi milik kota
It's not that the weak village is helpless
Bukan berarti desa lemah tak berdaya
The village is true power
Desa adalah kekuatan sejati
The state must side with the peasants
Negara harus berpihak pada para petani
Entah bagaimana caranya
Village our future
Desalah masa depan kita
This belief just came
Keyakinan ini datang begitu saja
Because I don't want to get hurt
Karena aku tak mau celaka
Village is reality
Desa adalah kenyataan
Cities are growth
Kota adalah pertumbuhan
Village and city are inseparable
Desa dan kota tak terpisahkan
But the village comes first
Tapi desa harus diutamakan
In the barn we save
Di lumbung kita menabung
Come famine, we are not confused
Datang paceklik kita tak bingung
The harvest period is the feast
Masa panen masa berpesta
That is our hope
Itulah harapan kita semua
But middlemen roam
Tapi tengkulak-tengkulak bergentayangan
But loan sharks are also hanging around
Tapi lintah darat pun bergentayangan
Why have the government for?
Untuk apa punya pemerintah
If life continues, it's hard
Kalau hidup terus-terusan susah
In the barn we save
Di lumbung kita menabung
Come famine, we are not confused
Datang paceklik kita tak bingung
The harvest period is the feast
Masa panen masa berpesta
That is our hope
Itulah harapan kita semua

The village must be an economic force

Desa harus jadi kekuatan ekonomi
So that residents do not move to the city
Agar warganya tak hijrah ke kota
The silence of the village is the main capital
Sepinya desa adalah modal utama
To work and develop yourself
Untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan diri
The village must be an economic force
Desa harus jadi kekuatan ekonomi

With Love,

Reza Sofyan

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