Rapeo a cámara edición chicas- Gabriela Bolten

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Rapeo a camara

Rapeo a cámara es una iniciativa que hemos desarrollado desde que abrió puertas el estudio en 2018. El objetivo es simplemente proporcionar la plataforma de Recording Box para dar a conocer el talento y arte dentro de la escena Hip Hop.

En esta edición de Rapeo a Cámara tenemos el honor de tener a Gabriela Bolten, una talentosa rapera y cantante de ciudad de Guatemala.

Gabriela forma parte de Colectiva Urbana, quienes con frecuencia unen fuerzas con otras chicas dentro del circulo Hip Hop, para producir eventos culturales que brindan un escenario a artistas mujeres y promueven la igualdad y el empoderamiento de mujeres.

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En las tornamesas tenemos a DJ M3ry cl4ssics desde España.



Rap on camera

Rap on camera is an initiative we started since Recording Box opened in 2018. It's purpose was - and still is- to lend the Recording Box platform to expose the talent and art that exists in Hip Hop culture.

In this edition, we are honored to have Gabriela Bolten as our guest. A talented rapper and singer from Guatemala City.

She is part of the Colectiva Urbana, an all-women Hip Hop collective who often join forces with other women in the #HipHop community to produce music and cultural events that promote the empowerment of young women.

big shout out to DJ M3ry cl4ssics from Spain on the ones and twos!


Thank you Colectiva Urbana for acceping our invitation and to DJ fla-K.O. for helping us put this together.

this series was recorded at Recording Box in Guatemala City by Alejandro Guerra Nochez.

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