Funny Halloween EP - Third Track "JESTER MC"

Hey guys! 😊
How are you doing?
To get you into the right mood for the big Halloween party on the 28th of October, I show you more of my Halloween music. πŸ˜„ There can never be enough creepy music!!

This is one song of a short EP I made for Halloween.

It has a different style then the Halloween Lofi Album I showed you in the last song upload. It is more a "funny" kind of Halloween music. I think this also shows in the coverart of the EP. πŸ˜‰

Halloween EP.jpg

This track is called Jester MC and was the first track I made from this EP. πŸ‘»πŸŽƒπŸ’€

I love really creepy and dark kind of music, but also this funny/creepy style. That´s why I decided to make this EP. And it came out really nice. 😊

Well, I hope you like too! Feedback is as always very welcome. πŸ’œ

You can find the whole EP on all major platforms.

Please consider streaming it if you like my music. This helps me really much to be able to go on with music! πŸ’œπŸ’›

Apple Music:
Amazon Music:

Have fun listening to it, and I hope you can enjoy a beautiful day! 😊


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