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All girls aren't the same || My Three Tunes Tuesday. Week 70.

Karolina from Pexels

Happy Tuesday to all music lovers in the community and for today, it's all about songs. Sitting down where you are and listening to different tunes from members here. It's always an amazing moment with #threetunetuesday or #ttt by @ablaze.

Since the last Tuesday that I posted about my TTT, I started finding songs for this week and I just couldn't think straight to recommend any even when I kept listening to music in my room. I just believe before the next Tuesday, I would find some and here I am with three interesting songs from new artists I just came across. They shouldn't be new to some of us here but they are to me.

Last night, I was in a meeting on Discord by the Hive Learners community and it was held at 8 pm. This usually happens every Monday. So, if you want to join, you are free. It's always the usual routine for the host to play some songs before the meeting takes off and sometimes, the songs will be played underground while we continue the meeting. Yesterday was fun with the style and I loved the songs that were played.

Instantly, I got my three tunes recommendation. I hope you enjoy it too.


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This was the first song I listened to and asked for the name. One thing about songs is that when you don't know the artist who sang it, just remember the first line of the lyrics or the title, and you will find it. I asked for the name of the song but I was told the title and looked for it on Spotify and found it. This is a cool love song by a Spanish singer and it's the fourth track from his fifth studio album that was released in 2001: “Escape”.

In this song, the artist was trying to question his partner's love for him and he assured of being her hero. You know when you have someone you are doubting if they love you or not, but within you, there is this sincerity that you can be their hero and love them no matter what happens.


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This was another song being played and someone said “all girls are the same”. I had to speak up to counter what the person said about it. This isn't me defending my gender but the truth is that, since you haven't tasted all girls, you shouldn't generalize it due to what you are going through.

The artist had had several heartbreaks in his past and failed relationships and because of that, he concluded that all girls are the same, because to him, he wanted true love but they are not being real with him. Juice sees his future relationships through the lens of his failed ones.

We aren't the same; both girls and boys. If you try putting everyone to be the same because of your bad experiences, you might miss some beautiful opportunities coming for you. There are still good people out there and we keep giving them a chance until we meet the real ones. So, all girls aren't the same.


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Calum sang this song which is similar to a female artist's song. In this lady's song, she lamented how her boyfriend had an interest in another lady and took her home while she decided to spend the evening alone with herself. The same thing happened to Calum. Being gay, he also sang a similar song to beef the guy he had an interest in and how he had an interest in another girl generally. So, he decided to be on his own too and let what happened to pass by.

These are songs I listened to last night and waking up this morning, I repeated the same thing, especially the one by Juice. It was funny but I enjoyed it.

So far, I have come to the end of this week's tunes recommendation and I hope you find them cool for you.

The songs are owned by YouTube and I aim to share them here for all music lovers who are interested in listening to, and knowing some beautiful songs by awesome artists.

Thanks for your time.