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Overground - The Goldsmith

Song The Goldsmith, its history begins in December of 2001. I find out the tragic news, Chuck Schuldiner has died. Impacted by the death of my idol and maxim musical influence I wrote a poem that then I arranged as song lyric and I began to compose the music. The song remained sleeping and latent during many years, being used for the first time live in December 31 2011. Originally the drums of this song was recorded during the recordings of the Cosmic Shield Revival, in the 2012. But an error on my person when I elaborating the guitar tracks meant that it could not record completely. It was taken into account for their new recording in the year 2014 and it was finally edited and published in the album Sisyphean Endeavour in the year 2018. Is dedicated to this great musician's musical work, contains some paraphrased sentences of some of his more symbolic songs. I wait that you enjoy and remember the musical legacy of Charles' "Evil Chuck" Schuldiner

Canción El Orfebre, su historia comienza en Diciembre de 2001. Me entero de la trágica noticia, Chuck Schuldiner ha muerto. Impactado por la muerte de mi ídolo y máxima influencia musical escribí un poema que luego arreglé como letra de canción y empecé a componer la música. La canción permaneció dormida y latente durante muchos años, siendo estrenada en vivo el 31 de Diciembre de 2011. Originalmente se grabó la batería de esta canción durante las grabaciones del Cosmic Shield Revival, en el 2012. Pero un error de mi parte al elaborar las pistas de guitarra significó que no se pudo grabar por completo. Fue tomada en cuenta para su nueva grabación en el año 2014 y por fin fue editada y publicada en el album Sisyphean Endeavour en el año 2018. Esta dedicada a la obra musical de este gran músico, contiene algunas frases parafraseadas de algunas de sus canciones más emblemáticas. Espero la disfruten y recuerden el legado musical de Charles "Evil Chuck" Schuldiner

The Goldsmith

The goldsmith has died
His works survive him.
The shine of his metal
Still smile, cry and scream.
His legacy resonates in our throats,
Harmonic devices
Pulled up of the Death and the destruction
Guide a life of dreams and sounds.

The Flattening of the emotions,
Perennial Quest,
Story to Tell,
Forgotten Past.
They are only some immortal titles
Added to a cosmic collection
Fused thousand times
In the forges of the real.

The reality is brutal
And the brutality is Death.

Death and Control were his children,
And of the fruits of his creation
We delight with jewels of perfection,
Jewels loaded with feelings,
Death and Control were his children
Melodic and grandiose gems,
Works that testify
The sound of the perseverance.

Even in the Death the creator doesn't die,
We taste his truth
And we see like others before him,
For us He is past
A story to tell: we shall tell it. (*)

1° solo: Orlando Cordero
2° solo: Félix Molina

He precedes us in the longest journey,
His curiosity is innate,
His imagination
Won't have limits now,
The spiritual notes
Accompanied him
In his metal crusade.
Guiding a life of battles and sounds

In that immense
Cosmic sea
He will look
For vacant planets
Where his music is ignored
Showing the voice of the soul
To all the individual
Thoughts patterns.

The reality is brutal
And the brutality is Death.

The final destiny is not the end,
When the flesh and the power it holds
The art of this fragile existence
Reveals the necessity of a sacred serenity
The closed wounds
Expose the importance of our innocence
A high that can never
Be bought or sold. (**)

Even in the Death the creator doesn't die,
We taste his truth
And we see like others before him,
For us He is past
A story to tell: we shall tell it. (*)

L & M: Orlando Cordero. except* and **

  • Fragment paraphrased of Story to Tell.
    ** Fragment paraphrased of Symbolic.
    Charles Michael Schuldiner;
    image source

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