(EN/CN) Three interesting Ukrainian music groups. My rating. | 三个有趣的乌克兰音乐团体。 我的评分。

Hello to all community members! 💗


This is the first time I've written a post on the Music Community.

I live in Ukraine 🇺🇦 and I want to share with you my favorite artists of my country. You may have heard some of these songs before, but I'm sure something will be a revelation for you. 🎼


我住在乌克兰🇺🇦,我想和你分享我最喜欢的我国家的艺术家。 您以前可能听过其中的一些歌曲,但我相信有些东西会给您带来启示。 🎼


🎧 First of all, I want to show you one of my favorite artists "Onuka". The group "Onuka" creates music in the style of ethno, electronics, folk, rock. The band uses in its music not only typical musical instruments, but also traditional Ukrainian folk instruments, such as trembita, bull, bagpipes, cymbals and more. Many people learned about "Onuka" after their performance as guests at Eurovision 2017. I suggest you watch the video of this performance and enjoy the variety of music of the "Onuka".

🎧首先,我想向您展示我最喜欢的艺术家之一“孙女”。 “Onuka”乐队以民族、电子、民谣、摇滚风格创作音乐。 乐队在其音乐中不仅使用典型的乐器,还使用传统的乌克兰民间乐器,如颤音、公牛、风笛、钹等。 很多人在2017年欧洲电视网作为嘉宾演出后才了解到“Onuka”。我建议您观看这场表演的视频,享受“Onuka”的各种音乐。

🎧 The next famous Ukrainian band, which is known in the world, is "DakhaBrakha". This is a Ukrainian musical ethnogroup that creates music in the ethno-folk style. The musicians perform in many countries around the world, and David Beckham also used their music in advertising his own cosmetics brand. I suggest listening to exactly the song that sounds in David Beckham's commercial:

🎧 下一个世界闻名的乌克兰著名乐队是“DakhaBrakha”。 这是一个乌克兰音乐民族团体,以民族民间风格创作音乐。 音乐家们在世界许多国家演出,贝克汉姆也用他们的音乐为自己的化妆品品牌做广告。 我建议听听大卫贝克汉姆广告中的歌曲:

🎧 The third very famous band in Ukraine, which I will add to my selection, is "The Hardkiss". I wonder if you heard about it? Musicians are very popular in Ukraine. But I don't like all their songs. I chose the least known songs I like to listen to. I suggest you get acquainted with this music.

🎧 乌克兰第三支非常有名的乐队,我将添加到我的选择中,是“The Hardkiss”。 我想知道你是否听说过? 音乐家在乌克兰很受欢迎。 但我不喜欢他们所有的歌。 我选择了我喜欢听的鲜为人知的歌曲。 我建议你熟悉一下这种音乐。

🎤 The musicians recently released a new album, and I like the new song there, listen to it:


🎼 So far, I have told about three well-known Ukrainian music groups. I wonder if you've heard of them and liked something? It would be very interesting to hear the impression. Thank you!

🎼 到目前为止,我已经介绍了三个著名的乌克兰音乐团体。 我想知道你是否听说过他们并且喜欢什么? 听到这种印象会很有趣。 谢谢!

Photos are taken from free sources on the Internet.


ℹ️ Sorry if I made a mistake somewhere, I use an interpreter (translator).

ℹ️ 抱歉,如果我在某处犯了错误,我会使用翻译。

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