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Monday DnB Beats


As we're reaching another release later in the week, I'm determined not to let the external fiat mining demons in to the dnb wonderland I've created as an escape lol.

That reminds me, I really do need to open up a dnb theme park! Although I guess it would just be a rave lol.

Imagine that though, you're about to go on a ride like Stealth from Thorpe Park and to get the heart rate pumping, there's some heavy hitting drum & bass track going on :D

Anyway, my head is all over the place, as is this blog post so I am trying to reign it in a little bit and will just share some info about this track I'm sharing today.

If you have been following me for a while, you will have seen most of my repertoire on Hive but if you're new here, welcome to the fun and frolics of a dnb madman.

Today's tune is a remix that I did to re-imagine a one-hit wonder from Monaco in the 90s (I think) called What Do You Want From Me?

I remember hearing it on a prank sketch TV show called Trigger Happy TV and then it serendipitously came on air after a pretty toxic relationship ended, which felt fitting so I thought I'd slam a dnb vibe to it.

It worked pretty well I think! Remixing some 90s tunes is good fun and hope it takes the Monday blues away :D