The Many Faces of Music

The Many Faces of Music

Music can be many things to different people. For some, it's a way to escape the everyday and lose themselves in another world. For others, it's a source of happiness and joy. Still, for others, it's a way to tap into feelings of sadness and grief. And for many, it's a way to hold onto memories and make new ones.


But no matter how you use it, music is also a powerful form of therapy. It can help us to process our emotions, make sense of our experiences, and connect with others.

The Lore

So which one is your go-to?

  • Do you turn to music as a way to escape?
  • Does it bring you happiness?
  • Do you use it to explore your sadness?
  • Or to hold onto memories?

Whatever your relationship with music, it's clear that it has the power to touch us in many different ways.

Head over to TUNZ now to experience some amazingly emotive tracks from independent artists on the HIVE blockchain.

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