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From Idea To The Realization...

How do you go about realizing an idea? Of course, if you already have the initial idea, that it is developing in your consciousness... but what about the next steps? How many phases do you have to go through from the first sparkle of the idea to the final product? I'm interested in that, how do you manage the realization and what are your tricks? Is there any magic or the reality is just: apply hard work and persistence?

My case, this morning: I had a piece of music in my mind that I wanted to play and record. I already practised it a little bit yesterday, however, it was not a real dedicated practising, more like reading a bit through the music text, playing it a few times between the lessons, and late in the evening studying it again for half an hour.
It was not enough. It was not any decent to be good for a recording, but in that moment I still had not realized that. Still thinking it will be ok, I moved the piano into the other room as there was more light. Then, the setting was prepared (connecting the audio interface with the laptop and the piano). The only thing that I had to do is what it is supposed I know to do: play the music and record. Here the troubles started. I played over and over again, always with random mistakes and some very annoying imperfections. I got distracted and in that seeking of good performance, desperation took the stage. I had to stop the process, get up from the setting and calm down the mind. That step took time I have not counted with, however that additional phase was inevitable. Finally, I changed the piece of music hahaha. So new composer, new piece and starting again the steps: practising and recording.

Actually, I practised this piece less than the other one I initially wanted to play, but clearly, today was not the day it had to be recorded. The other will come as well, one day when I repeat the studying session...with more dedication. Today, Minuetto with Variations is what is coming here. The composer is Giovanni Battista Martini (1706 – 1784), who was a Franciscan friar in Bologna, but as well a musician and composer. Seems that he was appreciated at his time, although not so famous nowadays. An interesting fact is that Leopold Mozart, the father of the young Wolfgang Amadeus consulted him about the talents and musical skills of his son.

So to repeat my question, what is your story? Do you sometimes change your plans when something is not coming out or you stick to the initial idea without flexibility?

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