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Let's Go Acapella For Music Tuesday - Pentatonix (1)

I can't believe I actually almost forgot about this awesome music crew, they have been one of my favourite acapella singers for as long as I can remember and they never cease to amaze me by every Acapella cover they do. My love for Acapella songs is totally different and on the high compared to any other kinda music.

Wether gospel, hip hop, pop, blues, and whatever, if it's Acapella, I could find myself loving any songs because of it. One major reason I love Acapella songs is that it brings out one's singing ability more with no obstructions or much help, everything comes from the lips... So cool.

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Pentatonix is one of the most amazing singing group who are so good with Acapella and they make it so enjoyable and almost look easy to sing along but I know very well how more complicated it is to sing Acapella to using instruments.

I'll be sharing some of their songs, three for this week's #ttt and hopefully share more next week as I do think I should share more than just three of their songs, they have so many of them... Almost all are covers though, but in a very cool Acapella style and that counts so much as something.


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Pentatonix is an American Pop group and this is one of their covers of a good pop song. Cheerleader is one of the songs I love their creativity on and I could this song so well although still can't sing the Acapella sounds they made, would need a crowd to do that haha.

You should listen to the song, even if you've listened to the original before... An Acapella version should give another feeling to the song for you.

Sound Of Silence

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I'm yet to see the movie this song's original was featured in "Into the badlands" but I will soon. Until then, this Acapella cover is super cool to listen to. I know I'll be partial when I pick one out of them to say he's my favourite so I won't but I think I do have a favourite on this particular cover.

The five were amazing anyways, without each of them in their different parts, this cover wouldn't have been this cool. Sound of silence is a complex but really enjoyable song if you'll agree with me after listening.


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The group had a change of a member, I'm sure there was a good reason to that. He was one of the best bass singer I've listened to but listening to this new member made me replace him almost so easily. This cover came out differently and better with the new bass singer... I wonder where they are able to get just good singers in their group, cool!

Havana is a very known song but I'm not so sure if the Acapella cover of this amazing group is known as much yet, the group did a really good one on this. Their dressing style on this cover can't be ignored either.

Expect more of their songs next week but for now, you can consider adding their covers to your play list, they are worth listening to... They have covers for a lot of songs including your favourite kind of songs, I think haha.

Have fun checking them out anyways!