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Switchplan's second song ---- WORK IN PROGRESS

It's been awhile since I posted something here in Hive. I was a bit preoccupied, I guess. I will share with you guys what made me busy few weeks ago, but I will not make this a long post. So my friend recruited me to their band as their new drummer. They were saying that their previous drummer is slacking off lately, they're saying that I'm better than her blah blah blah.. I think they're just bullshitting me 😂 I think she is just busy working and has no time to practice. But whatever, so yeah.

The band's name is Switchplan, I guess they're more into composition songs. To be honest, I'm not into composition songs... but I still tried it to see if it works for me. Guess it did. Few weeks ago, we were working on my friend's new composition song titled SAMO. We also did recording by the way. The song is about a guy asking a second chance from someone but that someone is already happy with 'someone else', so it's like a broken hearted song hhahaha or let's say emotional song but we made it Pop alternative rock..

Our video editor didn't finish editing it yet, cause his wife just gave birth the other day, so he's kinda busy. But here's the snippet of our new composition song.

I hope you like it. 😉
