Soft Play - TTT

Soft Play, who were previous called Slaves, were a band I have really liked for the last good few years, since I was introduced to them.

The changed their name to Soft Play, which I thought was a bit naff, and after that I stopped listening to them, but recently went back to them.


Soft Play - Punk's Dead

I'll be honest, I'm pretty much the kind of fans that they're singing about in this, their response to people disliking their name change.

The thing that bugged me, is that I liked their previous name, and thought their music was decent. However, when they changed it, it kind of seemed like they were just bending over by being brow bet, and I didn't really like that.

But, after hearing this response, and kind of laughing at it, I went back on that mindset I had and thought, "Screw it, they're still good."

Not a fan of the new name, but the new songs they're putting out are just as good, if not heavier than their older stuff.

Soft Play - Act Violently

This was actually the first new song I heard of theirs, just before hearing the Punk's Dead song, and I liked this just as much as I like the other one.

They have a good bit of humor, which is apparent in a bunch of their songs, and music videos. They don't really take themselves too seriously, and for me, that's a plus when it comes to bands.

The chorus of this one is really catchy, and it reminds me of the first song I heard of theirs, "Cheer Up London."

Soft Play - Hey

I love the lyric, "a bleeding heart, welcomes the sharks."

This is really good performance of this song, and the instant I saw it, it made me want to see them live, because their mad, and they seem to play much heavier live than on the their recordings; which is typical of most bands.

For a two piece, they can really make some noise, and bring a very powerful sound.

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