Sharing Some Offspring For TTT

One of my all-time favourite albums is one from was I was a kid, and that I used to listen to all of the time called, Americana, by The Offspring. To me, it's not only well produced, but each song on the album is a classic, and from start to finish it's amazing.


Walla Walla - The Offspring

This one here is one of my favourites on the album and is such a punchy song, coupled with some funny lyrics, but it's not a comedy, and to me feels it a lot more real than just a joke song. It's about a friend being wished well as they're off to jail for messing around once too often, and now that they've appeared in front of the judge again the lenience is no more, and they're being carted off.

Goodbye my friend, you've messed up again, you're going to prison, you're off to the pen. You've got off easy, so many times, I guess no one told you, how to get a life.

The lyrics just fit so well with the music, and I find it so easy to sing along to.

Pay The Man - The Offspring

I've always loved this song. It's the final song of the album and is very different compared to the other tracks on the album itself.

It has this - I don't even know - eastern riff to it during the intro of the song, which gives it the initial impression of being from a different album, or from a different band altogether. That is until the music kicks in, and there's an incorporation of the initial riff, mixed with a bit more grungy music until it breaks down again to the build-up.

The vocals in it - when they come in - are very hypnotic in a way, through the use of distortion, and the lyrics themselves seem to twist and turn around the mind.

Why Don't You Get A Job - The Offspring

I've always liked this song and actually started learning it with the cover band I'm in with the intention of playing it live and adding it to the set, but sadly we dropped it, due to a few complications.

Nonetheless, it's a kickass song and incorporates some ska into their music. The bassline is pretty sick, and while it's a bit complicated, I was able to get the hang of it pretty easily after some practice.

Again, this song is a bit different compared to some of the others on the album, and as a whole, this album is a great reflection of The Offspring, and how far they came as musicians throughout their career up to this point.

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