Sharing Some Lamb of God For Three Tune Tuesday

Lamb of God is a band that I've consistently listened to since discovering them when I was thirteen. Ashes of the Wake is one of my favourite albums of theirs, but I recently went back and listened to this one, which was one of my favourites when I was a kid, and I figured I would share a couple of songs from it.


Ruin - Lamb of God

Here's a really good album, and one of the first ones of theirs I heard - well, I heard most of it since Limewire didn't usually download complete albums. Also, songs weren't always named correctly, which made it hard to find the right ones.

I would have gone out and bought these albums if there were shops in my town that sold this sort of stuff. We had one music shop, but it mainly sold country, trad, or chart CDs. One music shop did open, and I bought Slipknot Live album, and a few others, they didn't stick around for long though, so it was back to downloading songs to load my iPod up after that.

As The Palaces Burn - this album - also has a remastered version which I've heard on YouTube, but I don't really notice that much of a difference. In a way, it seems unnecessary, but it's cool that the option is there.

For Your Malice - Lamb of God

This song always reminds me of walking to school in the rain. I used to put my iPod on shuffle when I was walking to school, and this song always seemed to come on, until eventually it became a song I'd play most days for a while. It just worked, and to be fair, it was a good tempo to walk to... somehow, I still managed to be late.

Lamb of God is a bit heavy, and obviously wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but I've always really liked them since I was in my early teens.

My dad introduced me to Slayer, Metallica, and that sort of stuff, but then I discovered my own bands, so the likes of Slipknot, Lamb of God, and others like that became more personal to me, and something that I was able to repay the favour by introducing him to these guys. He loved Slipknot. The two of us would be driving around in his car, or going for trips and I'd bring the double live album and would crack that on during the trips.

11th Hour - Lamb of God

This song is sick and is also from the same album. I was going to pick something from another one, but saw this and figured I'd go for the trifecta.

It's about alcoholism, and I never copped it until reading the lyrics properly.

I got a chance to see Lamb of God a few years ago when they toured for Slayer's farewell tour, alongside Anthrax which was sick.

I got to see 3 of the big four that year, Slayer, Anthrax, and Metallica, which was deadly. All I need to do now is see Megadeth, who I was never really into, but would still go see them.

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