Sharing A Bit of Limp Bizkit For Three Tune Tuesday

It's Tuesday, which is that magical time of the week when people from all over the world descend into the Music community here on Hive to share some tunes that have been on their playlists over the previous days, or weeks.


This album cover always creeped me out as a kid, but it's one of the covers that made me learn not to judge a CD by the picture on the front of it. Because, if I were to judge what I think they'd sound like - based on this - I'd imagine something weird as hell and - most likely - nowhere close to what they actually sound like.

Hot Dog - Limp Bizkit

Limp Bizkit was one of the bands that I was into as a kid, from the age of about 10 onward, when I started listening to music properly and collecting my own CDs and Tapes, rather than just borrowing what my parents had in their own collection.

I only had a handful of CDs, one being this album, Chocolate Starfish and The Hot Dog Flavored Water. Which never really made sense to me at that age, and then years later I remember hearing what a chocolate starfish is, and what hot dog-flavored water was. Then I just shook my head in disbelief and just thought that Limp Bizkit were filthy feckers, but also funny.

This song has lyrics near the end that say, "Kiss my starfish, my chocolate starfish." I don't know why that didn't give me a hint as to what it meant. But, as a 10-year-old I was just too busy rocking out to it to be paying attention I guess.

I had a handful of CDs, Americana was a favourite of mine, Significant Other by these guys as well, Marshall Mathers and The Slim Shady LP, The Evidence by Ice-T, and I had Home Invasion on tape, and Black Sunday by Cypress Hill on tape too. Body Count's self-titled CD too, although my version didn't have Cop Killer on it, which was a shame because I love that song, I also had an OPM CD which took me a good while to find after hearing Heaven is A Half-Pipe for the first time. Good album, but only about 3 really good songs on it. I also had Hybrid Theory, Dookie, and the Purple Pills EP by D12. Over the years I collected a bunch more, and then I discovered LimeWire and realized I didn't have to go out and buy anything anymore, lol.

Full Nelson - Limp Bizkit

This song was always one of my favourites from the album, and it was always easy to get lost in this one. Especially being a kid coming back to the house pissed off over some stupid kid stuff.

Limp Bizkit after a few years became something of a joke, and my music changed a bit when I went into harder stuff like Lamb of God, Slayer, and Slipknot, and sadly, the same energy that poor ole Limp Bizkit had, paled insignificance to the others bands, and eventually I stopped listening to them altogether until years later.

I don't know why they became such a laughing stock, but it happened, and a bunch of the bands that I thought were cool just kind of seemed cringe. Well, not all of them, mainly OPM and Limp Bizkit.

Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit

This is only a short one, but it's pretty potent and was one of my favourites of the other album of theirs I had.

There is a music video to this, but I don't like watching music videos on YT, because for some reason they're always censored, and I'm just taken out of it when I hear bleeps or obvious drops to silence in songs.

They're playing in Belfast in 2024, and as soon as my partner showed me the announcement I was just like, "Yep, we're going!" I've re-kindled my love of them over the years - mostly due to nostalgia I'd say - and due to that re-ignition it would be great to go and see them. Hearing this song, and the other ones I listed here in this post live would be sick!

I've been putting the word out to a few mates too, so we can all go up and see them as I know a bunch of them like - or liked Limp Bizkit back in the day. It'll be a bit of fun going to see them, and since it's a bit of a trek we'd be better off going for the weekend I'd say.

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