T...T...T: An opportunity to recognize the brilliance of Sia.


Hello, it's another three-tunes day!

For the record, #ttt (Three Tunes Tuesday) is an ongoing initiative which is organised by @ablaze for all music lovers. Catch the full gist about that HERE.

In this edition of #ttt, I decided to dig into my playlist and share 3 songs from an artist who I thoroughly enjoy listening to her songs. Sia is her name. I've been a big fan of songs released by Sia and I enjoy singing along to her songs whenever I'm taking a walk or doing some mild work.

To be fair, I thought it would be easy to pick three of her songs which I will be highlighting in this post, but I got spoilt with multiple options. Haha. There are so many of them. Nonetheless, 3 is our magical number. So, let's get started;

1. Angel By The Wings

When it comes to songs with lyrics that hit the spot, you can always count on Sia to wow you with those sorta lyrics. She is good at what she does and the same can be said in this her 2016 masterpiece. Her voice though... We need to shed light on that separately. Haha. It's Angelic.

Did you hear the "hold on, head up, be strong..." line followed by the chorus of "You can, you can do anything..."? Wow! That's some powerful piece of inspiration right there.

The song is fairly inspiring and it's the perfect song you need to keep you going when it seems like your world is crashing down. Listen to it and be inspired enough to take one more step.

2. Cheap Thrills (ft. Sean Paul)

This is one of the few songs that got into 'my favourites list' from the moment I listened to it. The very first time was the magic and it got more melodious as I listened to more of it. It was released in 2016, but I first came across it in 2018 and it's been an evergreen banger whenever it buzzes on my headphones.

I'm not much of a dancer, but even I have to admit that the fact that this song is the type you can dance to in a dancehall helped it to reach a wider audience.

Just like many songs you expect to hear in a dancehall, this doesn't have some deep philosophical message embedded in it. Just dance to the tune and forget your worries. Haha.

3. The Greatest 2016

Again... You've got to make sure you study the lyrics of this song like a biblical parable. Sia sure knows how to hit us hard with her lyrics and this one is filled with very inspiring lines. The chorus is also the type that can whet your appetite and make you involuntarily sing along.

Her music videos though. If I'm not mistaken, the music video attached to this particular song is the only official music video in all the songs I highlighted. The other two were the work of YouTubers and they got it right, but an official music video has something special about it. The one for this song is unique. It holds the kinda sequences you would expect from a mysterious lady like Sia.

That's where we will be drawing the curtain for this edition of threetunetuesday. Let's do this again next week. Ciao.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Pixabay

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