ABBA; The embodiment of artistic brilliance and musical miracle.


Hello, it's three tunes day. C'mon, let's have a blast with this.

For the record, #ttt (Three Tunes Tuesday) is an ongoing initiative which is organized by @ablaze for all music lovers. Catch the full gist about that HERE.

This week's edition of Three Tunes Tuesday will be a musical time travel back to the songs released by a Swedish music group that kicked off their partnership in the late 90s. This musical group had a huge impact on my childhood connection to Music and I sure have my Dad to thank for always having this song on repeat. Haha.

I grew up knowing the lines of the lyrics of their songs without even making any effort to know them. You really would be surprised about how much your brain will capture when you are in a situation where you have to always listen to something repeatedly. There's no regret though. ABBA's music is the sort of song that remains evergreen regardless of the passage of time.

So, for this week's edition of Three Tunes Tuesday, I will be sharing three tunes by the ABBA musical group for your listening pleasure. For the record, there's a saying that "when you listen to one Abba song, you end up listening to a lot more". Haha. Have that in mind as you dig into this week's selection;

1. Take A Chance On Me by ABBA.

Yeah. Just for the fun of it, imagine voicing this music out loud in a job interview. Haha. I wouldn't encourage you to do that, but this song just has an electrifying vibe about it. The song is nicely made and the vocals from the two Ladies strikes really hard and is well synced with the voice of the lads. The vocal harmony is no joke in this song.

The music video is also exceptional. I often watched this Music video as a kid and my mood still gets lit up whenever I come across this video in this day and time. Of course, there's no nudity or cussing. Just a display of artistic brilliance.

2. Knowing Me, Knowing You by ABBA.

I usually don't embrace break-up-themed songs because they are often filled with negative emotions or over-dramatic sarcasm. But, this? Oh, my! ABBA made me embrace this song and you'd be surprised to see me reacting to this whenever I'm listening to it. I don't really take it as a break-up song. Instead, it's a song I enjoy listening to even when I'm happily staying beside my lady. Haha. FYI, She likes the song too.

I often casually check out ABBA's songs and music videos. I've been doing that for 2 decades and even as I'm watching it now, their songs are still as awesome as they ever were. They have a touch of brilliance in everything, from the lyrics to the vocals and then the cinematic presentation of their music videos.

3. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA.

The melodies. Haha. This song is all about that and it's in a typical ABBA style with all the vibes and drips of a song that has what it takes to remain evergreen. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! is a nostalgic song that brings back fun childhood memories.

It's a breath of fresh air to see how some of them are singing while others are working on the instrument to produce this musical masterpiece. It's like a musical miracle and I'm always captivated by each minute of it.

I'm always impressed about the reign of this musical group and there is so much more from where this came from. So, aside from the three tunes shared, you can dig into more of their songs. You will be glad you did. Hehe.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash
All videos are shared from ABBA's official YouTube channel.

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