HVMF Behind The Scenes – A Visit To Ravenmus1c's Studio

As more and more music - and more importantly music fans - enter the HIVE ecosystem, we at the Hive Music Video Foundation (@HMVF) thought it would be interesting to show the whole process of how it all comes together. Our first project will be a full featured music video for @Ravenmus1c scheduled for release in the 2nd quarter of 2023.
So obviously we are early in the process but this is where all the groundwork has to be laid. The parts of the process that few people are actually aware of. Hopefully you will enjoy the journey as well as the final product.

If you do not know already, here is Raven (@ravenmus1c).

raven sitting at her home studio setup
source @ravenmus1c

Her music is an innovative mix of EDM, hip-hop, and hardstyle. Genre specifics do not seem to confine her at all though as Raven seems to go wherever the mood takes her, and the listener.

First we thought it would be best to show you the home studio set up. It is amazing what a musician can do nowadays with the right computer and software tools.

source @ravenmus1c

The studio setup is a little different but has a similar vibe. Some older tools here that may need to be updated but they certainly get the job done in capturing the musical ideas that float around in Raven’s mind.

source @ravenmus1c

Raven currently uses Steinberg Cubase as her DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). It seems that music making has almost as much tech jargon language as the cryptosphere does, lol.
A DAW is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. Tons of plugins can be added to focus on getting the exact sound the artist wants.
We will go into all the plugins that Raven uses on a future post.

We will cut it off here but please keep an eye out for more of the development of this idea.

There is an awful lot that goes into creating music that the non-musician may never know about. This is why music should be treated as the valuable piece of art that it is. Hopefully we can share some of that behind the scenes process here and help more people understand that value. All while building up to the launch of the Hive Music Video Foundation (HNVF) project.

As a little teaser enjoy some sounds that Raven created for the @MammothMythics and @nfttunz music contest with a view of her computer screens hard at work mixing it all together.

HIVEmusicvideofoundation (1600 × 500 px).gif

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