A handful of new albums added to my metal collection

Hello everybody, I've been looking forward to present new items added to my metal collection lately. In this post a handful of vinyl records are going to be shown, although I'm expecting for more items to arrive, however they're not going to be on vinyl so I thought to go ahead now and get the below items out of the way.

I shall start and continue by order of which I got first, second and so forth. First band are Thou Art Lord with their latest 7'' EP release under the title Daemoniorum.

The members of Thou Art Lord release music as a side project band of theirs, each one has a main band. Also some of the members consisting the band since it was founded in the first half of '90s have circulated coming from the most known local bands (Rotting Christ, Necromantia and Septic Flesh). This particular release is the first one I have listened to and took the interest because they're part of the black metal history so much in Greece as well as abroad. The physical copy contains two tracks whereas the digital version of this release includes one more third track which can be heard in the YT video below.

Moving on Insomnium arrived next and their album Shadows Of The Dying Sun. The item I'm presenting below is a limited edition reissue of its original release year in 2014.

This band is really my most beloved and I think I got to know them from this album. Thus when I saw that the album was rereleased I went for it and got the Clear/Black Marble vinyl.

Next in turn is the mastermind of Rotting Christ vocalist and guitarist **Sakis Tolis ** with the first solo album he initially released song by song online and for free under the title Among The Fires Of Hell and then due to popular demand the same album was released on vinyl as well as cassette tape.

Initially this album was released together with Heavy Metal & Metal Hammer magazine which I got myself. That release didn't include three more tracks which at the time were part of the digital release only, but with the physical vinyl and cassette releases they are included plus one cover song as a ninth.

Sakis took the free time that the corona virus quarantine had to offer and composed those songs, was it not the virus situation globally and the quarantines in place and this release would most probably never happen. The vinyl I got is the Red/White Haze Splatter in order to match the red colour of its front cover. I also got the cassette of this release which I'll happily show in my next post together with other cassette albums I'm expecting to arrive.

The last album I have here is from Cataleptic and their latest album called The Tragedy. I got to know them from their first full length album which enchanted me, their second one was completely indifferent and here we've come to their third one.

I'm quite happy to own this one, it's a good release and a well hidden gem it seems to me, this band always keeps my interest to listen to their staff and I cannot just pass on their music.

Lyrically it revolves around a theme of war, betrayal and revenge. Bronze clad Champion of the battlefield faces betrayal and commences the Age of Fire.

That's it for now, but music doesn't stop neither will I stop presenting music albums I'm purchasing. Cheers for now, hopefully by the end of next month I'll be able to post music once again.

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