
Lako je biti poslušan
samo klimati glavom
raditi štat se kaže
pozdravti s pameću zdravom

Drugi nameću pravila
život da ti kroje
nipošto ne pristaj na to
ne odriči se duše svoje

Neću, neću,
neću iz inata
ama neću, neću
neću iz inata

Provaliji bezumno juri
masa bez poštenja
uzda se u palog stručnjaka
zaboravlja na dar rođenja

Sloboda je ono
od Boga nam dato
disanje, rad i kretanje
s dušom se brani zato

Hoću, hoću
hoću iz inata
kažem hoću, hoću
hoću iz inata.

U inat dušmanima
svijetom pjesmu sijem
u inat uslovima
radosno se smijem

U inat pravilima
zagrljaje dijelim
u inat propisima
ja se veselim

Čuvam blaga
od Boga mi data
ne dam na se
svetog mi inata.


It is easy to be obedient
just nod your head
work what they said
say goodbye to healthy mind

Others impose rules
to cut your life
don't agree to it at all
do not give up your soul

I won't, I won't,
I wont because of spite
but I won't, I won't
I wont because of spite

The abyss is running madly
a mass without honesty
they trust the fallen expert
forgets the gift of birth

Freedom is that
given to us by God
breathing, work and movement
because of that must defend with the soul

I will, I will
I will because of spite
I say I will, I will
I will because of spite

In spite of the enemies
I sow the song of the world
in spite of the conditions
I laugh happily

In spite of the rules
I share hugs
in spite of regulations
I'm happy

I keep the treasure
given to me by God
I defend my self
because of my spite.

▶️ 3Speak

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