MUSIC in the gene.. Take a look at the FUN!!

Today please permit me to share this enjoyments sections in here with y'all. I really do hope i don't get someone angry oo.🤣😂

It was a rainy rainy morning here in my area in Nigeria, but today is always our midweek service. I was shot of what to do since i was indoors and i was suppose to do some drum work before the time (if you understand what i mean). But that did not work out, so i had to learn some new stuffs to help me.

To me, i love all kinds of music, as long as there are instruments, i don't care whether gospel, hip pop, rock or what so ever.
With joy, i went to youtube to feed my eyes a little. I searched for a drum solo breakdown and what i saw was too hard for a beginner like me with no guide. I left that and searched for another, still in the process, i saw this very video, titled Salsa Piano Battle

So as a lover of music, though i am learning, but i love it as though i can do it well. So i opened it and i saw the battle and for the first time in my life ever, i saw this man (Norman Peplow) playing the piano from behind, Mhen that was amazing, and he did that with joy. Bro i was blown away, then later they both played the same piano together. I was already leaped and i was like 'when did he start working on this?" so i pushed to another.

As i already said i love all kind of music, but now i was more concern about what i will do during the praise session in church. So i selected the next one that was a makossa praise, my God, i love makossa. Still i clicked it and boom boom i could feel the groove. This was a live session in church, check Coza

I will not talk much on this one, if you love makossa praise, check it out yourself..
For me, this was my rehearsal already in the heart. I recommend for you too, watch and enjoy. Like the drummer here is drunk!!

Then take a look at this tweak, dehm it!! its bloody, kaiii...
This song from Moses Bliss-Bigger Everyday.

Bro i was full, like very full as though without constant drum work i will do it haha.
The bassist is mad, like all of them are insane for music.

Do you like stuffs like this, let me know on the comment. I love things like this and i will so love you too to share things like this here to vibe me when am bored. Music is the only thing that keeps me alive when am bad.

Bravo!! to all lovers of music.


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