A re-cap of the charity fundraiser for the art house community pantry 3.3.23

Charity fundraiser for the art house community pantry featuring music from; Charlie Smith, Rhirhi, Bo Gallows, Diego Parks and Simon Mags

I found myself being quite critical of a local counsellor and their comments in a local newspaper. While it's always good to hold people to account, it did make me question exactly what I'm doing to help the situation. A lot of the time, being critical just isn't enough. To put actions into words is a more powerful statement in itself. So that is why I put on a night of local music for the art house pantry. Put some action into my convictions.

I've got to start by thanking all the performers! Who gave up their time and talents for a great cause. Thanks to the generous audience who donated so kindly and helped us reach our goal. Finally, thanks to EHP photography for the pictures I'm about to share with you. They are really stunning, and you should be sure to check out some of his work; EPH Photography

We couldn't have achieved the amazing donation target of £248 without any of you. Just thanks a million. I want to now show you some of the photos from the evening and talk you through the acts.

I met Diego at an open mic night and he was very kind about my music and performance. He is very emotional and I feel you get that from his music. Very easygoing and sweet nature which I think reflects his personality too. It is always great to meet new musicians and make some new friends out and about and I'm really glad that I get to meet new musicians on my travels.

Talking of open mics, here is another chap I met at an open mic. A northerner by heart but a southerner by affiliation. Simon's music reminds me of the good old days of music; simpler times. Back when musicians wrote songs just for the sake of making songs. I very much want my music to be like that.

Next up we have the amazing RhiRhi! And wow I think her music is really coming along nicely. Her new music is very good. Her set list is growing longer and better all the time. Can't wait to catch her again live in 2023. There might be an extra special gig announcement coming soon. So keep your eyes peeled for that.

Now we have this very photogenic chap Bo Gallows who has been working extremely hard these past months with his brand new duo The Guillotine Union Boys. I'm grateful that he still has time to fit in a solo show while working on material for their debut gig at The rail way inn on the 2nd of April.

Last up it's me. I would like to thank myself for organising the gig and I know that sounds very self-congratulatory, but you should know that I'm not the best at getting organised so when I put on a show like this and it actually all turns out great I suppose I feel thankful and slightly shocked. The real stars of this show however are not me and it's not even the performers. It's not even you. It's the team behind the art house that keeps the doors open and the music flowing. I think we can all agree on that front. There are many ways you can support the art house either by a direct donation or just attending any of the great live music events they put on. Please make sure you check it out; https://thearthousesouthampton.org/ways-to-donate/

As for me, I'm relatively busy at the moment practising and trying to improve. It's not always easy, but you've got to do what you can. I hope to put on a lot more shows in the future. It's a lot of effort but always it's the effort that counts the most. Next up I'm at the Railway inn on the 2nd of April. So if you fancy some more live music check out the link below;


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