Galway Street Band for Three Tune Tuesday Week 70


Tuesday folks and for our merry little band of ladies and lads, that means sharing tunes, good vibes and engagement. As another week disappears in the rearview mirror, we have loads of engagement and tunes flying around on Three Tune Tuesday and sure isn't that bloody fantastic! I hope you're ready to share three tunes from wherever you find yourself on this magical spinning lump of rock that we all call home.

Tuesday is here again, which can only mean one thing, another three tunes from me and hopefully from lots of you good folks too. How are all of you music loving rockers from Newbridge to Newfoundland doing on this fine evening? Sure, isn't great to be alive all the same. For two weeks in a row now we have gone above 30 unique Three Tune Tuesday posts and man of man, that brings a serious smile to my face!

It's a time of the week when lovers of music, tunes and craic bring their blockchain community three of their finest and brightest tunes to share and celebrate, so let's roll on and let the tunes flow free.

This is my 70th week waxing lyrical for Three Tune Tuesday and we are still going strong. It started off with me just sharing tunes into what seemed like a void, but little by little others joined and now I'm thrilled that we have a little corner of Hive where we come and share our tunes every Tuesday, and long may it continue. I almost stopped posting the songs and thoughts a few times, but I stuck with it and now interestingly it is my favorite thing about Hive. I love music and now I have a network of folks around the world who love music too and we share our tunes and catch up with each others tunes and discuss them each week. We get Pop, Metal, Rock, Gospel, Folk, Jazz, Rap, Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, Reggae, Bippy bappidy Flange Hop. Ok I made that one up, but you get the idea, we are all learning about new artists, bands, back stories and sure isn't it just mighty!

Something that excites me the most is that we even get musicians sharing their covers of famous songs and even their own songs from time to time here on #ThreeTuneTuesday, which is a real favorite of mine, as that takes talent, time and dedication.

We are adding New posters and retaining our core of regulars here on #TTT which is fantastic. Let's keep it growing and that playlist that @blackdaisyft is updating (when she gets time) has ripped past the 600 mark that I mentioned before and at the last count was at an mightily impressive 639 unique tunes and trucking steadily towards 700. Thank you for doing that by the way daisy, when you do find time, as I like throwing on the playlist from time to time reminding myself of all of the sweet tunes that have been shared down through the months - Good on you.

Weekly, I try to find two or three hours to listen to all of the fantastic music shared from like-minded folk from around the globe and interact with their posts. This has lead me to genres I don't know well and to some amazing new bands and artists and has even introduced me to some musical instruments I did not know existed. It also allows me to upvote smaller accounts and find some really interesting people from all over the world, which is heartening.

I hope you enjoy the tunes - be sure to tell me all about it in the comments below and above all else, please enjoy the rest of your Tuesday - smile at a stranger, rub a dog, be a nice human to someone who was not expecting it - peace out.

For those unfamiliar with TTT or Three Tune Tuesday....

The jist is as follows

Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. If you could also use #threetunetuesday tag that would be great, as that is what I use when sifting through all the entries every Wednesday. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning the prize - more on that later.

Here are my week seventy recommendations for Three Tune Tuesday

** Drum roll please.....**

Galway Street Band - Bee's Wing (Cover)

In the past few weeks, I have gone back to my roots as it were in bringing you some homegrown talent, people who the vast majority of you would never have heard of, which for me can be a very rewarding part of Three Tune Tuesday each week. There are always some obscure artists from Norway to Nigeria and everywhere in between. The common theme has been Irish musicians, as given that I am Irish, I have local knowledge as they say, so I brought you Albert Niland and Sabrina Dinan and the feedback was fantastic, so this week I am going to bring you another Irish flavoured post, but this time, it is not one, not two, not three, not four ok I'll stop now fourteen artists who formed a collective in Galway and they are known as the Galway Street Club

Let's get straight into it with the first tune, and I'll tell you more about the band while introducing their second song. This first one is a cover of a favorite folksong of mine called Bee's Wing.

GALWAY STREET CLUB - I Shot The Sheriff (Cover)

As promised a few words now on who The Galway Street Band are exactly. They are an eclectic mix and as the name suggests, they all reside in Galway, although only one of them Pauly Butch McDangerous, the lead guitarist, is from Galway, there are others from other Irish counties, USA, Russia and Germany. They have every instrument imaginable on the go throughout their brilliant sets and as you can see started out as a busking band on Galway's famous Shop street which is alive with street performers and buskers in the Summer months.

Here we have the collective banging out a crowd favorite, I mean have you ever met anybody who doesn't like a Bob Marley classic tune in all fairness?

Galway Street Band - Black Widow of Iron Mountain

The band belt out the covers better than anyone, but it does not stop there for the Galway Street Band, no sir, these musicians have their own tunes too and here is one of them called Black Widow of Iron Mountain. They may have started out as Buskers on Galway's main thoroughfare making just enough to get by, but they have gone on to sell out numerous shows in Galway's iconic Roisin Dubh music venue as well as Whelans in Dublin and many other Irish venues. They have gone on the road internationally also supporting Alabama 3 and other bands, and have played venues in France, Spain, Germany and other countries.

They are a band that I would love to see grow further and fully fulfill their potential, as for me they have loads of potential and have a beautiful honesty and innocence to them that I admire. I hope you enjoy them as I much as me.

ThreeTune Spotify Playlist

Our good friend and regular Three Tune Tuesday poster @blackdaisyft has added some of the ThreeTuneTuesday songs to a Spotify playlist over the months. You can check them out here:

Three Tune Tuesday Spotify Playlist

HBI contest

Share your Three Tune Tuesday songs below or create a post with #ttt or #threetunetuesday and mention me so I can find the post.

I'll pick the three songs I enjoyed the most each week as the winner and transfer 1 share of HBI to the winner when this post pays out 7 days from now.

Three Tune Tuesday Sponsors

My old pal and brother from another mother @blanchy has also committed a share of HBI each week and so have three other Three Tune legends @blackdaisyft and @tengolotodo and @hannes-stoffel so now the winner will receive five shares of HBI, not too shaby at all folks.

Thanks a million to our sponsors above.

Best of luck!

Sin é, That's all folks, thanks for stopping by.

That's it for another week. Those are your three songs for week seventy. Let me know what you think - good, bad or indifferent? Did you like them all or just one or two?

Also, as I said before, I love getting good steers for new tunes, so please tell me about the latest and greatest from your playlist below and I'll be sure to check em out.

The YouTube videos shared are not owned by me and I am simply sharing great music with the community here on Hive

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out


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