Come and listen to a few tunes with me 🗣🎶


Here starts a series of song recommendations by me @Ablaze. I really hope someone out there enjoys them and takes the time to listen to them. I love getting music recommendations myself, especially when its music I have not heard or perhaps just never appreciated before. Good new music to me feels like alchemy, it is gold dust for my ears. I'd love if some of the music I plan to share with you in the coming weeks are golden nuggets of intense aural pleasure for your ears. So with that said, let us begin.

Here are the first recommendations. I am going to give three every time I do a similar post (around once per week)

** Drum roll please.....**

John Martyn - May You Never (1973)

This one is from a favourite album of mine Solid Air released in 1973 by John Martyn. If you like this song, do me a favour and listen to the album on Spotify or wherever you get your music. It's 40 minutes and 54 seconds that you'll remember and not regret. The man's a poet and a fantastic musician.

I find that the best music is timeless and John Martyn is as relevant now as he was in 1973. Don't believe me? Check him out.

Bernard Fanning - The Strangest Thing (2005)

Bernard is massive in Australia and so is his band Powederfinger, but outside Australia they are not near as well known. This one is from his 2005 album Tea and Sympathy which I fell in love with when i visited Australia in 2007/2008. Now, why not give it a whirl.

It brings me back to long undisturbed sandy beaches, coral reefs, surfing and backpacking around Australia carefree with nowhere to be and little to no responsibilities - what a year that was!

The Stunning - Brewing Up a Storm (1989)

There is a term for a song like this - a banger! Or a belter! It's hard to believe that this song is over thirty years old now, which makes me feel pretty damn old right now 😁

The Stunning are a Galway band who I'd have to say never really made the big time like some other massively successful Irish bands over the years. This is my favorite song of theres, released in 1989 and has one of the catchiest riffs you'll hear.

My friend always plays this a parties and is a real crowd pleaser as it has that singalongability that peopld love in a song. Have a listen and let me know what ye think.

There you have it, they're your three songs for week one. Let me know what you think - good, shit, indifferent? Did you like them all or just one or two?

Also, as I said I love getting good steers for new tunes, so please tell me about the latest and greatest or obscure oldie brilliance below and I'll be sure to check em out.

Thanks as always for stopping by.

Peace Out

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