My Actifit Report Card: August 5 2023

Hello to all members on Actifit Community.

This is my Day-206 activities of Actifit.

I did not get up early in this morning.I just go to my job normally.
But I needed to repair water pipe line at my home.Washing Basin and Toilet water pipe lines cannot use the water.Water is blocking in the pipe line.So I repaired water pipe line in this evening.
Actifit is my daily exercise application as a job.
I love Actifit.

Now I had totally 48381 AFIT Tokens on my Actifit account.

Today.. I was so busy and I reached only 5K steps.

***My Buying Products of last 6 days and Today...!

6 days ago..I bought Sports Chimney.
(1)Sports Chimney-L1-(80AFIT)

5 days ago..I bought Double Raindeer.
(1)Double Raindeer-L2-(40AFIT)

4 days ago..I bought two kinds of Water Bottles.
(1)Water Bottle-L3-(30AFIT)
(2)Water Bottle-L4-(80AFIT)

3 days ago..I bought two kinds of Running Shoes.
(1)Running Shoes-L3-(40AFIT)
(2)Running Shoes-L4-(60AFIT)

The day before yesterday..I bought Double Raindeer.
(1)Double Raindeer-L1-(40AFIT)

Yesterday..I bought Water Bottle.
(1)Water Bottle-L5-(120AFIT)

Today..I bought Running Shoes.
(1)Running Shoes-L5-(100AFIT)

I will try to get more step tomorrow.
I would be to reach 10000 steps for the final unlocked 10K Extra Reward tomorrow.

Actifit Fitness Application is one of the best for all peoples.

Don't hesitate to try and use it.
Shall we try together.
Go to success on future!

Have a nice time!
Good luck to all...!
5.8.2023 (24:05)am
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Cycling, Daily Activity, Walking

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