Thank you Hive for my Fitbit: My Actifit Report Card

@purepinay made me buy it 😆

Thank you Hive! I've been meaning to buy a fitness watch since my old Mi Fit strap broke. That Mi Fit tracker was given to me by my aunt. My old self is quite frugal you see. That's why when Gil told me to buy a Fitbit watch, I immediately replied "I'm kuripot," telling her that I won't buy it because I'm frugal. 😆

@intoy.bugoy, @purepinay, me and @ybanezkim26 in Gil's Zumba party

"It's an investment," Gil said. I knew that the actifit step counter using the phone sensors was kinda inaccurate and it was a slight hassle to carry a phone around when you moved, so these made me want to buy a Fitbit more. My frugal self finally gave in and searched for good deals in Lazada and Shopee.

I mean, who wouldn't want to enjoy tracking mean Zumba moves conveniently on your Fitbit, right?

This was during Gil's Zumba party. When I saw the deals in Lazada and Shopee, my kuripot self didn't give in 😆 They were just too pricey for me. So, I searched in Facebook Marketplace and voila! I found a deal that even my kuripot self couldn't say no to. I immediately contacted the seller and went to meet him right away. The trade was done shortly and I now have my Fitbit onhand.

@jongcl, @sassycebuana and the rest of the girls after the intense Zumba session

I used my Hive earnings to pay for this baby. I'm grateful that I get to enjoy buying myself shiny things because of Hive. I'd definitely wear this to the next physical activity Gil will host! Hahaha 😺 Thank you so much for your generous heart @purepinay!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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