Wherever You Are, Be There: My Actifit Report Card

Exercise makes me feel connected to the physical world. Most of the work that I do involve the internet, and thus, my world is mostly virtual now. My morning walk today involved anchoring my thoughts in the physical world and I spent most of my walking time observing the physical objects I meet.

I woke up real early today and I was amazed how productive the day had been so far. I wanted to sleep again before I go to work later in the day, but I thought that it's better to keep the momentum going. After I did the posh curation work for the day, I got ready to put on my gym clothes. I don't regret waking up early to walk since there were less distractions on the road. Less catcallers meant more peace of mind for me.

I thought of visiting a place so familiar to my past - my elementary school. It was along my route anyway, so I went ahead and paid it a visit. To my surprise, it wasn't how I left it anymore. It was almost demolished and it was clear that nobody was maintaining it anymore. I took a look around and noticed that the surroundings had changed, everything looked better than how I'd remember it to be. The environment had an upgrade but my school.

I continued walking and began to think of the past. How this school molded me to become who I am today - how it witnessed my first achievement, puppy love, heartbreak and failure. And I couldn't help but smile at the thought of those. I've come a long way and maybe it was time that the school moved on too. I was told that it moved. It was still in operation, but they decided to change location.

I continued walking and thoughts of the past slowly faded and turned into thoughts of the future. What's my agenda for today? What should I do to get this goal? What problems should I take on today? How will I wind down after today's work?

And all at once the present, the past and the future were covered in today's 11,000 steps.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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