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My Actifit Report Card: April 20 2022

Днес денят започна с мъгливо и много студено време, а завърши с буря и дъжд. Странни аномалии се случват напоследък. Моя приятелка живееща в София ми изпрати снимки, че при нея пък вали сняг. Просто времето е необяснимо напоследък.

Today the day started with foggy and very cold weather and ended with storm and rain. Strange anomalies have been happening lately. A friend of mine living in Sofia sent me pictures that there is snowing today. It's just that time has been inexplicable lately.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Cycling, Daily Activity, Dancing, Gym, Home Improvement, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Shopping, Walking