My Actifit Report Card: November 14 2023

Hi all! Lately I have been spending a lot on my laptop, I have a constant headache and my eyes hurt. I decided that if I don’t want to go blind, I urgently need to change something. Do you experience some kind of pathological addiction to your phone? How do you deal with this?

My evening ritual begins with me charging my phone in a separate room. This helps me avoid the temptation to check notifications before bed. Instead of scrolling my news feed before bed, I prefer to immerse myself in a good book. This is not only a way to relax, but also a way to get away from the screen and improve the quality of my sleep.😵‍💫🤷🏼‍♀️😑
On weekends, I try to spend time outdoors without my phone. Walking in the park, cycling or just spending time surrounded by nature helps me disconnect from the virtual world and enjoy the simplicity of real life. As a result, taking a break from my phone has become a necessary part of taking care of my physical and emotional well-being. By allowing myself to periodically unplug from the digital world, I find balance, restore energy, and enjoy the simplicity of real life.

So today I decided that I needed to spend a lot of time outdoors, fortunately the weather was warm and sunny. This helps me come to my senses a little, it seems to me that I was taken into a parallel world and I cannot get out. I don’t know how to explain it, people communicate less and less in life, and more and more people are moving to the Internet. Our whole life goes online, and in some ways this is done for our convenience, but people always use everything too much!🤷🏼‍♀️🥲🤫😓

I try to walk at least 5 kilometers a day, and in the evening my daughter and I play with the cat. The cat is simply something incredible, we have never had such a playful one, she is almost a year old, but she behaves like a child, especially loves to climb on the table and throw everything on the floor. Then she hides in the closet and waits until they find her, she bites if you offend her, but not too much, she already knows when to stop. I bought my daughter a bunch of things for creativity: rubber bands, weaving, plasticine, colored paper, colored threads, etc. She loves handicrafts, and after she has done all her homework, she gets creative.🥰🥰🥰✊🙏🙏

We communicate very closely with the girl and her daughter, they have become family to us, we are similar, our views on life and relationships are identical. We love to walk in the park with our children, and when we are completely frozen, we go to a coffee shop and drink coffee with a piece of delicious cake. It’s a whole tradition for us, you can’t imagine what happened to us when the coffee machine in our area broke down😂😂🫣🫣😑

I heard many stories about how someone’s husband or father died, about how others lost their home due to shelling. I say that in this terrible war, everything is not as bad for me as for other people. So you can say that I was lucky, I shouldn’t anger God and be grateful for what I have. Stay safe!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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