World. Peace. Hive savings. My Actifit Report Card: April 26 2023

Peace and World have the same word in my language. That is, the world is always in peace. And peace is synonymous with world. It's very strange to observe what's going on around here now...

I wonder how in your native language it is?

Hello world!

Everyone puts a different message or feeling into this phrase, despite the fact that it is already a meme not only among programmers and IT.

I often say it when time stands still. When my heart skips a beat. When it's so beautiful around me that breathing is forgotten. Breathing just doesn't exist at that moment. There is only this...

Also, the feeling when someone does such a good thing that you can't believe it. Selfless. Simple. With a smile.

From the heart...

You don't see a lot of that these days, and it's rare. So the effect is the same as the beauty of the world around us. Maybe it just doesn't touch as many people or as much as the glitter of gold. On the other hand, real gold is right there for a select few. Good deeds are more precious than any bullion.

Brighter than the sun. But for a select few...

Hello peace!

We seem to go our separate ways, but you won't run away from me. You are inside. And what's inside cannot be taken away or hidden. Sincerity is as visible as its backside. You can be deceived once and for little things. But masks and good acting are always worse than the world of sincerity of the peace.

On the outside, it's only bad acting.

On the inside, it can become the last bad habit that will eventually eat anyone...

Hello, peace in the world!

I don't know when it will happen on the outside, but on the inside I've made up my mind to be at peace. Always.

Any minor disturbances inside, I stop or stop myself. I'm no Dalai Lama, I'm just learning. But even if I fight lately, it comes without aggression, anger and subsequent resentment.

To carry peace within you, it's important to remember to carry it in every second.

When it could be in the next second, I stop it.

When a second is missed, I stop.

Perhaps peace in this world begins with each of us. I believe that. I hope so. I will act as if it does.

Hive savings report

I will continue to play the game in the numbers of my achievements on Hive. Below is a table of my daily accumulation of Hive, HP, and layer 2 tokens:

Hive Savings 25.04.2023.png

Hive Savings 26.04.2023.png

I have no luck with lotteries and things like that. It's like life keeps telling me that it's not for me, or I have a different path. So now I choose to rely on my knowledge and skills and learn and learn and learn. Everything I see...

Right now it's finances, cryptocurrency and managing what I have at my fingertips. I'm getting pretty good at small amounts so far. I hope it will be the same in the future. But I dream that it will be much faster and better.

In the meantime, I'm ready for mistakes as well...

For now ⬇️

Savings today is $1261.

Hive On! Hive Five! Stay ALIVE!

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores,Photowalking,Walking,Shopping

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