Check if the doors are closed. Hive savings. My Actifit Report Card: March 10 2023

I think I'm at the point where I should reread Vladimir Tarasov's book "Technology of Life. What's great about it is that the first time one reads it, one either doesn't understand anything or everything is understandable. But it is not, if you read it after half a year, a year, 2 or 5 and so on... It might remind you of the feeling of reading any book years later, but it doesn't. I've read it 3 times now, and each time it's been sparks out of my eyes and smoke out of my head.

How did I not realize this from the beginning?

I don't have an answer as always, but this time I will try to write a post or even a series of posts about it. The value this book provides cannot be overstated. Only underestimated, of that I am sure.

Since the last reading, I've been carrying my phrase with me. That is, the one that really matters to me. It's what I've been missing all this life...

Check if the doors are closed?

That's not a quote, that's my recollection.

But I've relied on other people's words all the time. All my life. If I was told it wasn't for me or impossible, I believed it. I didn't check... Why would I? I'm not stupid. But that's not the point at all. It goes a little deeper than that.

Those doors that are closed to others may be open to you or me. We are so different that we don't know what will work for each of us!

And it's not just that.

Sometimes people haven't even tested the closed door theory themselves. They've been told just like you have been told that it does. And that theory has been passed down from generation to generation. And nobody remembers who was the originator of that theory...

Now these thoughts are more relevant than ever, because the world is changing rapidly. Yesterday a select few knew about cryptocurrency, but today three-year-old kids hear about bitcoin. Yes, I'm exaggerating, but I'm already a dinosaur in crypto, having been here only 2 years...

The doors have become open to me a priori. Until I check it out for myself. And if it was yesterday, I'll check it again today. That has become my motto over time. It's how I keep writing, in part.

It's how I don't lose hope in the most hopeless situations, like now.


Hive savings report

I will continue to play the game in the numbers of my achievements on Hive. Below is a table of my daily accumulation of Hive, HP, and layer 2 tokens:

Hive Savings 09.03.2023.png

Hive Savings 10.03.2023.png

The third part of the month is over, and as usual I'm checking in with my chart of progress toward my goals. So far so good, except for the price of Hive). Or is everything okay? I think it's time to stock up, which I never did after my 3 posts on this thread. Sometimes my slowness plays into my hands)))

Glad that with all the price drops I never dropped below $1000. There is hope that I will see another zero in my savings on the bull run...

For now ⬇️

Savings today is $1013.

Hive On! Hive Five! Stay ALIVE!

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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