My Actifit Report Card and Update: October 23 2023

Hi Everyone,

I've had another busy week on my @captainhive account. Since my previous Actifit Report, I think I have posted about a dozen chapters from my new book Sapien Loop. Part two is now complete. Soon, I'll post the collection post on this page/account (@spectumecons). I didn't post on this account this week but I have been doing plenty of research for new posts.

I've been active as much as I can. I haven't done anything beyond my usual routines. These include walking Mango the dog, grabbing groceries from the local shop, taking care of the pig and a goat.

I've spent less time on Twitter/X compared to last week. The way people are acting and the things they are saying is awful. At first, I was angry. Now, just sad. Many of these people are smart. Many of them were and still should be good people but they have allowed themselves to be filled with anger and even hatred. Our world is in a very dark place right now. The collapse of our civilisation is feeling more imminent than ever. The only silver lining is that we will have a chance to build a new and better world once all this has passed. This will be a gargantuan challenge. We might even need a miracle.

Sapien Loop


I have completed Part Two of my book Sapien Loop. Part One was focused on the activities of a small region. Part Two explains how these activities were manipulated from the Capital Region as a means of transferring power to the wealthiest in society. This being only the first part of a plan to transfer power to one character. This is more than obtaining power for the sake of power but power to achieve a sinister goal.


The main content of the book was decided several months ago but it feels more aligned to this day than it did when I started writing it. It might feel very eerie when I publish the final chapters in just over a month from now.

Upcoming Content

I will be posting another contest before the end of the month. I am running a little behind as I have been pushing to finish the book. I have started on a post about energy. This is a very important topic considering the current energy and cost of living crises. I will also be writing about the current events in the Middle East and the possible consequences of what might happen to many of us.


That wraps up this Actifit Report and Update. I hope everyone has a great week. Don't let the craziness of this world get you down. Take care, everyone.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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