My Actifit Report Card: September 3 2023

Hi Everyone,

It has been a tough week for my furry friends. Last week, Monkey the tiny three-legged dog, suddenly became very ill. He completely lost all energy and couldn't move. He also had seizures. My sister rushed him to a 24 hour veterinary surgery where he stayed the night.

His blood sugar had dropped incredibly low. This caused him to be so ill. It is still unknown what caused his blood sugar to drop so low. A few days before he was taken ill, he had a bad bout of vommitting. The following days he didn't eat much. The vets think this was the most likely reason for his illness. There does not appear to be any underlying causes based on the tests they conducted on him. There was some fear he could have cancer. This seems unlikely at this point.

Since his return from the veterinary surgery, he has been mostly much better. He had one night where he was feeling a bit off but that looks to have been him coming off a sugar rush from the honey he was given to raise his blood sugar levels.

Monkey was not the only sick furry friend. Lily the Goat was unwell too. She refused to eat her food and had a fever. The farm vet came over to check on her. It seems like she had an infection of some sort. The vet jabbed her with antibiotics. He put her on a course of 5 jabs. I gave her a second jab yesterday.

She appears to be recovering. She's eating again but not much and her fever has gone down. Hopefully, she will be back to normal in a few days.

My Content


I have not posted since my previous Actifit Report and Update. I have been busy on content for the book. I've spent quite a bit of time on the artwork. I've been making images using various computer games and adjusting and combing them using PowerPoint and other tools. A bit like what I do for my posts but a little more elaborate.

I have also starting editing the book. I'm ensuring consistency in tenses. Outside of dialogue, I'm using past tense. I've also started to sort out the paragraphing. It is starting to look better and is becoming more readable.

Next week, I'll post an update on the progress of the book as well as some of artwork I'm using.

I'm planning on posting chapters on Hive prior to the launch of the book. I will most likely post on my @captainhive account. This was the account I intended to post content relating more to my creative side but I have not done so in a long time.

I hope to start posting chapters by the end of this month. At the end of the year, the whole book should be available as an ebook. I'm most likely going to be selling it on Amazon. I'm not sure at what price yet. I will provide more details closer to the release date.

That wraps up this Actifit Report and Update. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I wish everyone an awesome week ahead.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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