My Actifit Report Card and Update: May 24 2023

Hi Everyone,

It has been a fairly uneventful week. I mowed the lawns. The grass is growing very quickly despite the cool weather. As long as the temperature is in double digits (Celsius), it will grow. It grows most of the day because of the number of daylight hours here. The rain helps it grow too. For me, fast growing grass is both good and bad. It's good because I'm trying to get the grass to grow back in Hamlet the Happy Pig's and Lily goat's area. They eat it quick. I want the grass to be thick and dense before the end of summer. It's bad because it means I need to spend more time mowing and trimming. The funny thing about grass is that it grows best in the wrong places. For example between tiles.

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I managed just the one post this week. It was the monthly contest. For this month, I ran a brand new contest. I called it the ice-cream game. The game requires participants to set up an ice cream stand on one of three beaches. The objective is to attract as many customers as possible. The participants do not need to worry about costs, revenue, price, or output. The only thing they need to consider is location. For this contest, customers are attracted to ice cream based purely on proximity. Therefore to win, the participant must locate his or her business nearest to the most customers. The contest is going well. So far, about 10 participants have entered.


I am still heavily focused on the writing the book. It is both more fun and more complicated than I imagined it would be. It is fun building the story as well as developing characters. It is complicated in terms of maintaining consistency. This is true for developing plots and stories as well as characters. The best way to learn and improve is by doing.

That wraps up today's Actifit Report and Update. Next week, I will be busy building Hamlet's and Lily's second home. The first one has taken some beating. The second one will need to be reinforced. I should have some photographs to share.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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