My Actifit Report Card: February 21 2022

Hi Everyone,

The world seems to be falling back into turmoil again. I have discussed the Covid-19 tyranny in Australia several times. It appears Canada want to outdo Australia in the race totalitarianism. The Canadian truckers have been protesting against vaccine mandates and Covid-19 restrictions for a few weeks. The Canadian Government have declared a state of emergency. They have blocked funds from 2 crowd funding sources. They have frozen truckers and supporters bank accounts. They have arrested and in some cases attacked protests. I read an article suggesting they may even start stealing protestors' pets. It is shocking to see things become so bad so quickly.

The next stage of fearmongering is the threat of WW3. It appears western governments and the mainstream media are pointing figures at Russia as being an aggressor towards Ukraine. Russia have been conducting military exercises near the Ukraine border and their forces have built up. However, the US and NATO have their own forces far beyond their own borders and have a long history of interfering with the affairs of other countries. In this case, it appears NATO are more intent on war than Russia. It is highly unlikely a major war will break out but tensions and the threat of war may last for sometime. The relationship between Russia, Ukraine, and several of the contested states is a little more complicated than just a Russian grab for power.

My Content

I have only posted once since my previous Actifit Report and Update. The post was my Buying and Selling Game. This month is the business version of the game. Participants are required to choose what goods to buy and decide how much to sell them for. The participant who makes the highest profit is the winner. So far, the response has been disappointing; only 2 accounts have participated. There are 2 days to go, so hopefully more people will participate.


I was hoping to post something from or about the book I'm writing. I have nothing ready yet but I have got back to work. I was delayed last week as I was having problems with an exchange that I had some coins on. They insisted on verification of several sorts before they would let me regain access to my coins. The situation was both stressful and annoying. The situation was resolved on Friday. I moved my coins off the exchange to a cold wallet. It seems many exchanges are asking for more information. I have little confidence in most of them. During the "vetification" period, I could not concentrate on writing. Instead, I fixed the shed door so that it touches the ground and locks more securely.

That brings me to the end of this Actifit Report and Update. I hope everyone has a great week. Here is a picture of Hamlet the happy pig being used as a door mat by Lily goat. They are so funny.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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