My Actifit Report Card and Update: May 9 2020

Hi Everyone,

Here's another Actifit Report and Update. I am still staying home and struggling to remain active. My garden is still my favourite exercise spot. I am still kicking the old football across the garden. The dogs are supposed to be exercising with me but instead rather laze in the sun.

It's sunny these days. In fact, more sunshine during the lockdown than the previous 12 months combines. At least, I am getting some gardening done. The lawn needs cutting every two weeks.

Content Update

I have posted three times since my previous Actifit Post from about a week ago. The first post was a summary of my 8 part Covid-19 series. This post was necessary to pull the whole series together as well as offer a gateway to all the posts in the series. This could be a very interesting read in 6 months time.


My second post was my reintroduction to the 'Buying and Selling' game. In short, the game involves buying goods in one place and selling them in another. The participant who makes the largest profit wins. This contest is off to a very slow start. I have received a couple of comments but no official entries. I may have to make a few changes in the next contest to attract more people.


My third post was about perception and how it affects everything we do. The post is a mixture of economics and my own philosophy. For me, this is a very important post. It reveals an important part of my thought process. The post also reveals how I believe we become trapped in our political and economic systems.


That's it for this Actifit post and update. I hope you have a great weekend and are able to stay as active as possible. Please take the time to read my latest posts as well as have a go at my contest.

Football, Gardening

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